Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Facebook Policy Change

Not theirs, mine.

Going forward from today, I'm only going to post links on my page and on the GRE page, that is unless I write something for someone else, like GUNS Magazine, Shooter's Log or JPFO, and then I'll also post it on their page, or if I write about someone else, like yesterday's GRE on WAGC, and then I'll share it with that person or group.

I note people have put me in their groups, and I appreciate that, but I just don't have time to post links on all the pages where that's happened, plus I never felt comfortable "link whoring" anyway.  I figure if readers find personal value in a piece, they can pass the link along. If not, the marketplace of ideas will decide if I stay or if I go. It's no secret that page views help keep a roof over my head and that I never ask for donations for myself.

Whether you're on social media or not, if you like my stuff and want it to gain wider notice, and think I deserve to eat once in a while, your help at spreading the word/passing along links will be appreciated.

1 comment:

Robert Fowler said...

I pass your stuff along every chance I get. Just doing my bit to spread the word. Keep up the good work.