Monday, October 06, 2014

This Day in History: October 6

I have just discover’d two large boats full of men, [under the east Shore] just as I was maning out a boat to Send to know Who they were. I was inform’d by a pass from Major Oliver that he had fird with small Arms (as they pased Dobbs Ferry) to bring them to they paying no attention to it— I suppos’d them to be the enemy and as Colo. Smith had just Set off from my Quarters thought they might [ore] take him. I fir’d an Alarm for his Security and Sent a boat to See who they were. found them to be a Company of our Light Troops under the Command of Capt. Webb Who had been down and landed Just above our Guard boat. and it being Something foggy in this murning, they could not discover them as they came up. [More]

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