Friday, June 02, 2017

Let's at Least Be Consistent

There’s no good reason not to let states work this one out on their own. [More]
Ditto for the First Amendment?

National Review...

It's founder was an idiot on RKBA, too.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE -- Must'a hit a nerve:

Leaving the issue of the Fasustian bargain of "permits" aside, make straw man arguments much...?
  • Ridiculous. Defamation is an abuse of rights. No one is suggesting abuses of the right to keep and bear arms should not have criminal and civil repercussions.
  • He was not proposing ways to address specifics where competing rights and needs collide. He was justifying the restrictions everywhere within a state's borders, all the time. So I repeat: Ditto for the First Amendment?
Any way you slice it, his position mirrors that of the gungrabbers, hardly surprising for "conservative" NRO. And, returning to the title of this post, Buckley and Bork (see links above) were on board with the feds being the ones doing the prior restraints and outright denials.

Come to think of it, since the outcome is prohibitions no matter who is doing it, maybe this is being consistent...

1 comment:

Backwoods Engineer said...

David, thanks for being a great teacher in my continued education, and that of millions of other Americans who read your writing.

I grew up hunting and shooting, and I just assumed Republicans were on the side of the angels as regards RKBA. It wasn't until I became an adult that I began to see the cynical vote-buying that goes on, and the brazen back-stabbing of the 2nd Amendment of these elected officials once they clear the barrier at the polls. (I didn't vote for G.H.W. Bush on account of this, for example.)

And now, I'm past 50, and I'm still learning what back-stabbers the old stalwarts like Buckley were.

I pray it is not too late to turn this around. I am encouraged at increasing number, growing by leaps and bounds, of ordinary Americans who have taken charge of their own security through exercising the right to keep and BEAR arms. I am proud to stand among you.