Monday, April 30, 2018

Well, You Got the 'Simple' Part Right

The idea is simple but powerful: a federally issued license for simple possession of all semi-automatic firearms. [More]

A longer answer is two words and starts with "F."

Your move, gunkapo.

[Via Jess]


Anonymous said...

His idea will work like a champ because we know that the gang bangers and psychopaths will all run down, get a background check, and wait for their license approval, right?


Mack said...

Objection: A registry of people is more frightening than a registry of guns.

Me: You’re already in a ton of public and private databases that contain the most ...

So, he argues with himself. Ironic.

Gosh, how about gun stamps? Call it The Stamp Act.

Go ahead.

Ben said...

So much fail in his proposal. I know he thinks he's being reasonable with all of this, and his delivery and tone are reasonable and polite, but he's just so far off base.