"She was murdered trying to protect the children in her care from a gunman." [More]I'm not even going to say it.
Friday, April 29, 2016
There Is No Try
Under the Radar
The Obama administration appears to be bowing to international pressure and pursuing under-the-radar “alternative” ways to bring in more Syrian and other refugees -- as soon as this year. [More]What is it with this sneaky son of a bitch?
[Via Keith B]
We're the Only Ones Cheeky Enough
Court documents say that while Stone was on duty on Nov. 17, he went behind the clerk’s counter at a Phillips 66 gas station and slapped a woman working there on the buttocks. [More]Ass-ault? And now his ca-rear has bottomed out...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Certifiably Reasonable Enough
The defense had called an out-of-state psychiatrist to testify that Bates mistakenly shooting Harris was reasonable given the stress of the situation... [More]Yes. Lord knows multiple deputies swarming a struggling suspect is enough for any seasoned pro to walk up when unneeded, mistake his gun for his taser (was it really a "revolver"?), and blast a helpless, unarmed man in the back, narrowly missing head-shooting one of his own. Good call, doc!
And they want statist quacks like that to determine whether you or I are fit to own a gun?
No shortage of copsuckers in comments, I see from scrolling through them...
[Via Michael G]
The Key Thing to Remember
They hate us because they hate themselves. And who can blame them? [More]
The Opposite Day "progressive" argument isn't with us -- it's with the God they deny exists. They demand to live in a different universe, but don't know how to create one, so, being enraged misfits, they demand the existing one conform to fit them.
There's plenty more on this site, and it's constantly updated. Michael sent me five links this time around, but I can't showcase all of them. I suggest you bookmark it, and make a point of checking in when you can.
The Opposite Day "progressive" argument isn't with us -- it's with the God they deny exists. They demand to live in a different universe, but don't know how to create one, so, being enraged misfits, they demand the existing one conform to fit them.
There's plenty more on this site, and it's constantly updated. Michael sent me five links this time around, but I can't showcase all of them. I suggest you bookmark it, and make a point of checking in when you can.
Who Said Facebook was Anti-Gun?
Zuckerberg spent $19m on personal security over past three years [More]People who "profit" the most from culturally terraforming America will be shielded from what they inflict on the rest of us.
At least until the guillotines start up.
House of Cards
Everytown didn’t just buy up the Families for Gun Reform URL, the group collaborated with “House of Cards” writers “to make sure they got it right,” according to the organization’s president, John Feinblatt. In fact, Feinblatt consulted on the script regarding issues of gun legislation and violence. [More]What, you think they put this stuff on just to entertain you?
Curiously, characters Frank and Claire Underwood are exactly the types of corrupt and murderous tyrants the people ultimately need to be able to defend themselves against, so it figures a Bloomberg fluffer would be doing the on-set servicing.
They're right about one thing -- it is a house of cards. Actually two things -- they are, indeed, collaborators.
I think it's pretty cool the preponderance of comments on Variety have the hypocritical propaganda pegged for what it is.
Common Spidey Sense Disarmament Laws
I learned about this video on a tyranny attempt in Maryland from a comment under my Mark and Gun-Grabby Gabby "terror watch list" piece. It's a very good encapsulation of the issues that applies everywhere, not just the Old Line State. [Watch]
Embedding is disabled so I can't post it here, but I strongly encourage you to spare a brief 10 minutes to watch this, and then share the link with everyone you know who would be interested (and to disassociate from anyone you know who wouldn't be).
You can glean the beginning of a Traitor's Watch List from the House and Senate sponsors...
Embedding is disabled so I can't post it here, but I strongly encourage you to spare a brief 10 minutes to watch this, and then share the link with everyone you know who would be interested (and to disassociate from anyone you know who wouldn't be).
You can glean the beginning of a Traitor's Watch List from the House and Senate sponsors...
As the Culture Terraforms
Expect a lot more of this, especially as the summer heats up. [More]
Cleveland is gonna be interesting, in a Chinese curse kind'a way.
Cleveland is gonna be interesting, in a Chinese curse kind'a way.
Trump on 2A
I don't know when this got posted-- I just ran across the link on Facebook. It's a lot better than it used to be, but, no surprise, NRA got to his people on the "enforce existing Intolerable Acts" mantra. [More]
Just in case you don't know the downside to Project Gulag and the Richmond "success story"...
Just in case you don't know the downside to Project Gulag and the Richmond "success story"...
Hastert’s Perverted Actions Consistent with Character to be Expected of Oath-Breakers
Disregarding the contortions needed to find original intent-based Constitutional powers for federal, as opposed to state jurisdiction in the case (and recall the pretext for initiating the assault on the Branch Davidians at Waco was to save children from abuse, and we saw how well that worked out), Hastert’s fall is a “hoist on his own petard” ending to a career of power and arrogance that included eight years being next in the succession line for the presidency after the Vice President. He was instrumental in advancing the federal usurpation of powers, betraying his oath, his constituents, and the Republic.
And that included endorsing infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. [More]Pssst...hey kid... how'd you like to earn a little hush money?
Thursday, April 28, 2016
The Only Proper Answer to Bloomberg’s Nevada ‘Question 1’ is ‘No’
That some Nevada gun owners are just now waking up to there being a problem illustrates one of the drawbacks facing grassroots volunteers. They have limited resources and personal lives to attend to, and they’re trying to compete for voter attention against a billionaire’s AstroTurf-rolling ground crew. That’s especially compounded by a media largely in favor of “gun control,” with further boosts from the elites... [More]If he wins, it will be because enough gun owners were OK with not getting involved.
What the Well-Dressed Floridian is Wearing
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! A tee shirt to help support Florida Carry Inc. ALL PROFIT from this sale will go to Florida Carry Inc. to help support their continued efforts to bring about Constitutional Carry to the State of Florida. This is a limited run shirt and may not be offered again so get yours while its available!! [More]
'Shocked Awake'
A regular Sunday morning turns deadly when a elderly man is confronted by a carjacker in his driveway. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
The Old Bait and Switch
Guns Are Rarely Used in Self-Defense [More]Josh elaborates:
According to the latest federal data available... private citizens use guns to harm themselves or others far more often than to kill in self-defense.You see what he did there. Deception seems to be a thing with this character. But at least his admission of the end game is candid.
Hopefully, DGUs will become even more rare. I don't know anyone who would mind that one bit, because it would mean the imposed "progressive" policies that make them more likely have been rolled back.
Catch and Release
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers. [More]This is all part of a deliberate plot by evil people, enabled by contemptible useful idiots. Thank goodness it has nothing to do with that "single issue," right, Grover and his apologists/silent partners?
A Red Meat Issue
Denmark ethics council calls for tax on red meat to fight 'ethical problem' of climate change [More]It's part of a long term plan to turn us all into herbivores.
But No One Wants to Take Your Guns
California Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) is pushing to expand firearm confiscations by allowing co-workers and others to file a complaint that sets the “secret” confiscation process in motion. [More]Well, heck -- if Leland Yee supports him, who are we to argue?
There's no reasoning with this subversive, no polite requests to please don't do this or that. He knows what he's doing and why. Take a moment to scroll down his Facebook page to get a summary of how he wants to impose San Francisco everywhere, in Everytown.
His kind are intent on pushing things until the only options are surrender or not. That's why he wants your guns. All of them.
[Via Keith B]
Cirque du Hypocrisy
They cancel in North Carolina over the transgender bathroom law, but will perform in Dubai where transgenders and homosexuality is illegal. [More]Yeah, well, "progressives" get a different set of rules since they're so much more enlightened than us haters. Take Bruce Springsteen, who can withhold his services to people who don't embrace his "principles," and he's a big hero --unlike those evil Christian bakers...
We're the Only Ones Making a Federal Case About It Enough
He walked toward me as I got close to the car. He fidgeted with his wallet, opened it, and showed me a badge, saying, “I’m with the FBI.” He didn’t give me his name. Closing the wallet, he pointed at my car and said, “You can’t do that.” [More]What's wrong with this woman? Doesn't she appreciate the last time the feds ignored unreasonable limits on their authority to heroically rescue children?
[Via Michael G]
It's So Easy Someone Else Can Do It!
All you have to do is visit a federal courthouse and swear out a complaint against Bloomberg... [More]All who has to do? If you have an unique idea, make it so, Number One. Don't expect others to drop their priorities to execute yours.
You're the one coming off as sure of yourself and representing yourself as to having done the ground work to assert your claims with certainty. If that's "all you have to do," why haven't you done it? If it works, you'll be the new leader of the movement.
I can't tell you how many blue sky projects have come across the transom over the years prefaced by "you should..."
The He-Man Woman-Hater's Club
I was going to highlight the Grandmas and Guns story, but the sentiment by "Mac David" (click "Comments") is more interesting to me:
Besides, nothing bad ever happens in "big cities," right?
Aside from the fact that Mac is obviously a self-righteous moron and blowhard, who would be absolutely useless to himself and others if a bona fide predator pegged him as prey to be hurt, I found his attitude telling in light of previous comments under other articles you can access by clicking on his name:
Typical Opposite day "progressive," throwing out "scumbag women hater" comments, but who would rather see women dead than armed. Typical projecting anti-gun male, afraid of tools his betters have mastered, and thus needing to accuse them of living in fear for being more capable than he is.
But Mac ain't done being respectful. Case in point, his "progressive" response to "Religious and city leaders ... building bridges with the Muslim community":
[Via cydl]
Gee, I live in big city and everyone I know doesn't feel the need or are scared enough to have a gun ready to level the playing field. Maybe as mothers, you should raise your children to respect others peacefully instead of acting like every disagreement needs to be addressed with a weapon. Fear is getting the best of you.Yep, because Mac, evidently, has never been sodomized (against his will), and it's the female victims' fault for not showing proper peaceful respect. That's what your "progressive" feminist "sisters" claim, right? (Because it kind of sounds like the creepy justification a violent abuser would use, right up there with "She just wouldn't listen!")
Besides, nothing bad ever happens in "big cities," right?
Aside from the fact that Mac is obviously a self-righteous moron and blowhard, who would be absolutely useless to himself and others if a bona fide predator pegged him as prey to be hurt, I found his attitude telling in light of previous comments under other articles you can access by clicking on his name:
2 Men Charged In 1984 Rape Of Greeley Woman
Scumbag women haters. Mommy and daddy must be real proud of you two. I hope the boys in prison give you what you deserve.Hey, she just didn't give them proper respect over that disagreement. Good thing she didn't let fear get the better of her and have a gun, right Mac? And degenerate violence by sociopaths is something you approve of, but defensive force by women is not?
Tom Fallis Found Not Guilty In Murder Trial
If his next two wives end up dead, maybe a different conclusion will be found. Until then, I would stay far away from this dude.Hey, nothing a little respect couldn't have cured. The important thing is, Big City Mac doesn't know anyone who feels the need, or is scared enough, to have a gun ready to level the playing field (he intuitively gets that women are generally at a huge physical disadvantage and refuses to admit the obvious).
Typical Opposite day "progressive," throwing out "scumbag women hater" comments, but who would rather see women dead than armed. Typical projecting anti-gun male, afraid of tools his betters have mastered, and thus needing to accuse them of living in fear for being more capable than he is.
But Mac ain't done being respectful. Case in point, his "progressive" response to "Religious and city leaders ... building bridges with the Muslim community":
When you factor in all the possible reasons that people use to rationalize their fear, ignorance, and hatred of others unlike themselves, I am surprised that civilization made it to this point. The worst offenders are people who are conservative, religious or white.I guess it's not just women Mac hates...
[Via cydl]
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
The Gun-Grabby Gabby and Mark Traveling Road Show
Giffords gun control group focuses on NH in launching push to close ‘terror gap’: Poll for Americans for Responsible Solutions shows 77 percent of Granite Staters support closing loophole [More]Hey, this is the same cheesy act they just did in Nevada...
Thank Goodness It Wasn't One of Those High-Capacity Assault Machetes
Man shot with machete in DeKalb County ... an officer who arrived on the scene was met by a man hold a machete in one hand and a chicken in the other. [More]This reads like somebody is doing the reporting and editing Americans won't do...
[Via Steve T]
HuffPo Opposite Day 'Progressive': Self-Defense a Human Rights Violation!
The main problem with the notion of self-defense is it imposes on justice, for everyone has the right for a fair trial. Therefore, using a firearm to defend oneself is not legal because if the attacker is killed, he or she is devoid of his or her rights. [More]For this one, I think I'll need to outsource the commentary:
News Poll Refutes Mark and Gabby Poll on ‘Terror Watch List’ Gun Ban
I remember years back how one guy found himself on the list for the heinous crime of taking a giant, inflatable pink pig to political rallies to protest government waste! And it’s well-documented how LE “fusion centers” take cues from the subversive SPLC to conflate Oath Keepers with domestic enemies. [More]Leave it to Mark and Gabby to call “shall not be infringed” a “loophole” as they push for due process-free citizen disarmament using polls designed to reach an agenda-supporting conclusion.
Yeah, It's About Like This
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence wants to literally erase the names of mass killers from major web sites.
To do that, the group is releasing a plugin for the Chrome web browser. “You can wipe away the killer’s name and image from your screen, and replace it with something that truly deserves our attention — the victims,” the plugin description says. [More]
It's one thing to not actively perpetuate the name. It's another "progressive" tactic altogether to erase people from history.
Still, if we're truly talking "mass killers," it'll be interesting to see if the plugin commemorates victims when searching, say, for Stalin or Pol Pot. I wonder what results will show if users search for "Muhammad"...
How Not to Do It
Burglar sues homeowner who shot him [More]If you think about it, they both were extremely lucky.
[Via Jess]
But...But...But...What about 'Home Rule'?
Sorry. No local tyranny, no matter how much the "progressives" are itching to expand "incrementalism" to eliminate freedom in Everytown... [More]
[Via Mike H]
[Via Mike H]
How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda [More]Update on James Jaeger's latest documentary...
Little White Lie
![]() |
It figures the rabbit was white... |
Professional Educator: Grades, Showing Up On Time Are A Form Of White Supremacy [More]So black solidarity can only be achieved through academic failure and unreliability at keeping commitments?
Note that both "professional" and "educator" are Opposite Day "progressive" assessments.
The hate-mongers certainly do seem intent on ginning up a mob. Gotta keep those consulting gigs coming, eh, Heather? No matter what bloody violence your type is pushing things to?
Let me go out on a limb here: You're for "common sense gun safety laws," too?
[Via Florida Guy]
And a Child Shall Lead Them?
The real story should be about the "adults" behind this blatant manipulation of the ignorant and the immature. [More]
Those causing the problems don't obey "gun control laws," their victims are generally defenseless and so much for #BlackLivesMatter.
Gee, if only they would disarm you and me.
[Via The Gun Feed]
Those causing the problems don't obey "gun control laws," their victims are generally defenseless and so much for #BlackLivesMatter.
Gee, if only they would disarm you and me.
[Via The Gun Feed]
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
Europe will 'soon have more Muslims than Christians': Belgium warns against 'making an enemy of Islam' at Brussels attacks hearing [More]The first part is entirely self-inflicted. The second is for not submitting completely.
Funny -- the same Opposite Day "progressives" pushing for our "tolerance," and strength through "diversity" for a "religion" that allows neither, also don't much like us having guns. Except for NRA Board member Grover, but then, he's a "conservative."
Hey, you ain't one of those "extreme nationalists," are you?
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
New and Improved
We talked a few weeks back about BATF-U tinkering with the 4473.
Prince Law fleshes out some of the proposed changes.
Prince Law fleshes out some of the proposed changes.
Grey's Audacity
Gosh, a Disney/ABC show masks anti-gun propaganda as entertainment. [More]
For what it's worth, that episode's rating went down in the key demo and in total viewers.
[Via Michael G]
For what it's worth, that episode's rating went down in the key demo and in total viewers.
[Via Michael G]
CBS Philly: the Most Trusted Name in Volksaufklärung und Propaganda
My, aren't prop "journalists" Ukee and Nicole giving off all the right approval cues for indoctrinating the kinder? [More]
Yeah, About 'Pro-Gun' Brad Pitt
The wishful thinking was strong. [More]
The reality is somewhat different.
And special guest Hanoi Jane!
You can bet they'll have Oscar-level armed security and a large police presence.
[Via Bluesgal]
The reality is somewhat different.
And special guest Hanoi Jane!
You can bet they'll have Oscar-level armed security and a large police presence.
[Via Bluesgal]
Fighting Back
The owner of the Arlington gun store that opened last month despite vociferous objections from local residents has sued 64 people, including elected officials, claiming that they conspired to destroy the business, harassed the owner and landlord and mailed death threats to the 16-year-old “owner-in-training.” [More]Naturally, WaPo couches that as suing "critics."
[Via Mack H]
Onward Christian Soldiers
Denver Christian Schools changing from Crusaders [More]Mustn't offend the Fightin' Jihadis.
[Via cydl]
It Can't Possibly Be...
...because she's a bitch...? [Watch]
If you feel like going further down this ... no, I won't call a sewer a rabbit hole, you can join the suicidal maniacs in owing Gazi here some reparations. I like the white boys who say if we don't give it they're going to take it. How they're going to do that when they can't even get 10,000 people to sign an online petition is left unexplained.
Haven't had your fill? Those videos were just the sideshow-- like true Opposite Day "progressive" human rights activists, they have segregated tents, one for whites and the other for collectivist racists of color.
Fortunately, it'll all be OK if we just surrender the entire gross domestic product to them along with all policing within the U.S.
What...? Killing fields...? Since when do collectivists in power do that...?
If you feel like going further down this ... no, I won't call a sewer a rabbit hole, you can join the suicidal maniacs in owing Gazi here some reparations. I like the white boys who say if we don't give it they're going to take it. How they're going to do that when they can't even get 10,000 people to sign an online petition is left unexplained.
Haven't had your fill? Those videos were just the sideshow-- like true Opposite Day "progressive" human rights activists, they have segregated tents, one for whites and the other for collectivist racists of color.
Fortunately, it'll all be OK if we just surrender the entire gross domestic product to them along with all policing within the U.S.
What...? Killing fields...? Since when do collectivists in power do that...?
We're the Only Ones Hair-Raising Enough
Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far... [More]Feds lying under oath? Unheard of!
Besides, the defendants were no doubt guilty of something, or they wouldn't have been on trial.
[Via Michael G]
They're Talking About You
The most obnoxious "men" in the world really do make it OK to just tell them to **** off, don't they? It's not like they can do anything about it.
An Expert Opinion Redux
Human resource and risk management experts express concern about such training, saying it is a bad idea to ask employees to serve as an in-house security force.
"This is a slippery slope that employers should not go down," said Margaret Spence, a Florida-based human resources and risk management consultant and member of the Society for Human Resource Management's panel on workplace violence. [More]I wonder what Margaret's training/qualifications/certifications are to offer professional counsel about defensive gun uses.
I wonder if what she'd advise companies that listen to her to do with this:
I've always preferred better-qualified advice for dealing with personnel types like Margaret...
[Via cydl]
From the Fine Folks Who Brought Us Vidkun Quisling
Norway: Leftist feels guilty that Muslim who raped him was deported [More]How celebratory of diversity. How "progressive."
Especially in light of all you "intolerant, extreme nationalist" haters.
Running Numbers
In a head-to-head matchup of each party’s frontrunner, Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Trump by only 3 percentage points nationally (46 to 43; 11 percent undecided). [More]But I thought everyone was insisting he could never get more than 30% and Hillary would cream him...
And that our only salvation will come from the Dole/McCain/Romney wing...
Our Diversity is Our Strength
"...intolerance and extreme nationalism..." [More]And guess who gets to define both terms.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
Obama Grants 700,000 Green Cards to Islamic "Migrants" [More]That certainly ought to make Democrats and Grover's funders happy.
Subtle Statecraft
Oath Keepers would like to offer our readers the most solid revelation of current global forces ... To do this we shall initiate a series of articles ... [More]You can't wrestle with principalities and powers unless you can identify them...
Like Mother Like Daughter
Now that Scalia's dead there's nothing stopping you? Guess again, Webb-lips.
This loathsome nepotism beneficiary has never known a day in her life of royal privilege where she hasn't enjoyed armed protection, either from Arkansas State Troopers or from the Secret Service.
She's right about one thing, when she says she "can't even imagine" the horror of a school shooting. That's because her children's private schools will be protected by tax-funded men with guns. And that's because their lives are more important than your and your children's lives.
[Via Doug Rink]
'Every Single Minute of Every Day'
This diseased hag really doesn't want us armed. [Watch]
Bloody-minded tyrants never do.
[Via Standing Liberty]
Bloody-minded tyrants never do.
[Via Standing Liberty]
Welcome, New Democrats!
More than 200,000 convicted felons will be able to cast ballots in the swing state of Virginia in November under a sweeping executive order Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Friday. [More]Any questions about the party of criminals?
And no, of course he doesn't agree that anyone who can be trusted with a vote can be trusted with a gun.
[Via Jeffersonian]
The Math is Staggering
Instances of “defensive gun use” – ie a good guy with a gun who made a difference – accounted for less than 3%.Yeah, I guess if you want to be a typical bloodthirsty "progressive" and use VPC's "Just one gun death per every 32 criminal gun killings" criteria, and ignore valid survey results of DGUs where no shot is fired and everything is resolved with acts of physical aggression thwarted, then, yeah. That way, the liars can misrepresent the complete picture with deceptive headlines and propaganda pieces claiming "New study shows guns rarely used for self-defense."
“The math is staggering,” Bryant said. [More]
It's hardly a "new study," so much as a repackaging of an old steaming pile the antis dig up ever few years for a new audience of unsuspecting marks.
As for Bryan't "baloney" that "it doesn’t make sense to not report that to law enforcement," it does when doing so could open you up for legal liabilities, as I personally experienced back when I couldn't get a "permit," literally, to save my life.
If I owned a gun store or range in Kentucky and this gunkapo walked in, I'd tell him to get the hell off my property
We're the Only Ones Bumping into Enough
A St. Louis police officer is facing criminal charges after police say he crashed his personal car into a deputy fire chief's parked vehicle ... He had a blood alcohol content of 0.146 percent ... [More]I hate it when I do that...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Getting a Leg Up on Things Enough
The door opened as the officer got close, either bumping into the officer's gun or startling the officer, and the weapon discharged one round, according to the police source. [More]At least this time it was the door's fault, as opposed to the gun just going off all by its own self.
An Important Voice to Be Heeded
Michael Stipe: Governor, please veto this gun bill [More]Well, gee, if an "equal opportunity lech" who brags out being "devirginized at age seven" to Butt Magazine feels that way, who am I to argue?
[Via Michael G]
Proportionate, Much?
Two attention-seeking lunatics hold up signs. An in-depth story follows. [More]
Look at all the coverage this "group" gets. Even if they ain't, the media seems bound and determined to make 'em news.
I trust no one needs to ask why.
Look at all the coverage this "group" gets. Even if they ain't, the media seems bound and determined to make 'em news.
I trust no one needs to ask why.
Honorable Mentions
That column was based on the investigative reporting of citizen-journalists David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh, who developed the story from sources within the BATF and worked tirelessly to bring it to the attention of Congress and “mainstream” reporters. [More]Thank you for the acknowledgement,Jeff. For those interested in the early reports, including, multiple attempts to persuade the "authorized journalists" and the politicians to do their jobs and use use their resources verify the claims Mike and I were uncovering through insider sources, the record is exhaustively documented, for anyone to see for themselves.
On a personal note, we should also recognize the significant role that bloggers David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh played in documenting Fast and Furious. [More]Thank you, Rob Morse.
It's gratifying to know enough realize the early work that went on so that it may not be forever confined to niches.
Sheriff’s Advice after Ohio Slayings Refutes Anti-Gun Disinformation and Hysteria
“I cautioned them that they were a target, and I told them to be armed.” [More]So who are you gonna believe -- the guy who knows he can't guarantee protection, or the wholly-unqualified gun-grabbers who erase their tracks to hide putting out bad info and then call self-defense advice "pathetic"?
Vanderboegh Shows Strength and Dignity Preparing for ‘Other Side’
His appearance is about what you’d expect for a man who told us a week ago the doctors have given him four weeks to live – there’s no need to dwell on that here. After years of friendship, it was important for me to see him face-to-face, and to show him how much I valued the blessing of knowing him. In fact, grim and sad as the reason for my trip was, I told Mike I not only considered making it one blessing, but two: That there are people in my life I care enough about to make such a trip for, and that I have the means and the capability to do it. [More]Observations from my weekend...
Having It All
When you think of it like this, it's no surprise that the whole thing turns out to have been dreamt up by a bloke. [More]Can there possibly be any group of "feminists" we should take more seriously than "Cosmo Girls"...?
Dream or Bloody Nightmare?
Your dream of a world without mosquitoes is one step closer to coming true - Oxitec wants to release genetically-engineered mosquitoes in the Florida Keys [More]Time was, we had a way to save untold millions of lives before the Opposite Day "progressives" took control of things.
Funny -- the same people who maintain we're all just here by chance, after millions of years of fortuitous mutations, are confident they can control the process and the outcomes and what happens in succeeding generations for a species with a life cycle measured in days. Hey, they presume to control everything else, so why not? Forget that they couldn't possibly have a reliable predictive model, any more than they can predict the wealth transf ... uh ... weather.
And funny, how the concept of guns in parks warranted a federal judge declaring she wouldn't allow it without an environmental impact study...
If any fiction writer out there needs a blood-feeding zombie apocalypse catalyst, releasing genetically-engineered mosquitoes into the wild seems about as plausible as any.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
No Posts or Articles for Next Few Days.
Please hold off on comments, as I won't have time to moderate them, and emails, as I won't have time to reply or to use the links you send me. Thanks.
Win in Arizona on Private Gun Sale Infringements will be Jewel in Bloomberg’s Crown
The bottom line is Bloomberg intends to throw himself into Arizona with everything he’s got. [More]He knows if he can buy a “victory,” it will confirm what all gun-grabbers rely on: That by sticking to a strategy of bamboozling the ignorant, a well-funded juggernaut can roll over the next objective, and the next one after that.
Civil Rights and the Second Amendment
“The only times an Afro-American who was assaulted got away has been when he had a gun and used it in self-defense. The lesson this teaches, and which every Afro-American should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give.” [More]Not that Hillary will mention this while pandering to Sharpton's mob.
[Via Michael G]
State of Emergency
What better time for Opposite Day "progressives" to have made obtaining the means of defense illegal? [More]
Meaning they're going to fight to keep it that way. For public safety, you see.
That said, anyone who waits until streets and stores are likely to be closed has a lesson or two in preparedness they may learn, assuming they make it through to the other side. It reminds me of a woman I know, who will not "allow" guns in her home (disregard for a moment what she's prepared to do about it should someone bring one in anyway.) She has a relative who owns several, and she believes if the situation ever gets really serious, her husband can borrow one from him (assuming the relative is willing, someone can make it across town and back with the goods, that they can even figure out how to load whatever they end up with, and have been spared more than a handful of rounds to load it with.)
What better time to learn how to use a gun, and to develop the proper knowledge, skills, discipline and mindset, than at the very last minute, when determined enemies are advancing on your position?
[Via cydl]
Meaning they're going to fight to keep it that way. For public safety, you see.
That said, anyone who waits until streets and stores are likely to be closed has a lesson or two in preparedness they may learn, assuming they make it through to the other side. It reminds me of a woman I know, who will not "allow" guns in her home (disregard for a moment what she's prepared to do about it should someone bring one in anyway.) She has a relative who owns several, and she believes if the situation ever gets really serious, her husband can borrow one from him (assuming the relative is willing, someone can make it across town and back with the goods, that they can even figure out how to load whatever they end up with, and have been spared more than a handful of rounds to load it with.)
What better time to learn how to use a gun, and to develop the proper knowledge, skills, discipline and mindset, than at the very last minute, when determined enemies are advancing on your position?
[Via cydl]
How She Should Appear
Assuming that she should appear... [More]
I guess considering they're Federal Reserve notes, what difference does it make?
[Via Florida Guy]
So Much for an Amicable Divorce
In 1861, Texans voted to secede and join the Confederacy during the Civil War. When the war was over, the Supreme Court decided — in a case that involved none other than Texas, albeit on the non-secession side — that states can’t secede unilaterally and any attempt to do so will be “absolutely null.” [More]So "irreconcilable differences" and even outright abuse don't matter? If you try to leave us we'll stalk you, and capture, you, and punish you and bring you back because we belong together for ever and always...?
How creepy and intolerable is that?
Making a #Hashtag of Things
I have no idea what this is supposed to prove. [More]
Near as I can figure, we may need to have a national conversation on common sense hashtag safety laws...
Talk About Brazen!
This was a brazen act by individuals who obviously had no fear of being met with any opposition from the people who work in or patronize an environment where firearms are banned by federal law. [More]Thanks for nothing, Supreme Court. What do we feed you people for again?
You know what else is brazen?
"Pro-gun Democrat" Jon Tester making sure post offices stay "gun free" and getting an "A" rating and NRA endorsement plus NSSF's "Legislator of the Year" award for "protecting gun rights."
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
'Wrong House'
Three thugs target what they think is a "Drug House" for a robbery/theft. Inside, a family is getting ready for bed when the door bursts open and the robbers are confronted with the wife and a small child. Quick action prevents a tragedy. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
We're the Only Ones New Dealing Enough
He said he told Circuit Judge Michael Mullen that a first-time offender would get the same deal ... [More]Perhaps a first time offender who hasn't been entrusted and authorized to enforce such laws against others...
[Via bondmen]
Now Recruiting for the SSIgnal Corps
Sipsey Street is now on Facebook. I know many look down on and have have resisted joining "social media," and if you can only envision using it for that, good call. If you see its utility as a communications tool to share information allies need to know, not participating cedes an important beachhead those hostile to your principles already use to great advantage.
No one else, certainly not the media or the rice bowl issue groups, is going to spread the word except those who get value from it. If you do, just being a consumer is not enough. Be a force multiplier because it serves your purposes and because it's needed.
UPDATE: It'd help if I included the link.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Will Norquist’s Immigration Stance Make Hillary’s Gun Tax a Reality?
But what can’t be overlooked is that immigration policies championed by Americans for Tax Reform’s president Grover Norquist can make new gun taxes a reality within a decade or two, and forget Hillary’s measly 25%. He’s enabling the potential to go full Mariana. [More]What does Grover think Hillary will do about guns and taxes once he helps her get the votes she needs through “amnesty” for untold millions?
Flying Flag over Capitol Sends Message of Defiance to Gun-Grabbers
I asked for the flag to be flown on April 19 with the notation: “In tribute to the Citizen Patriots of Lexington and Concord who resisted confiscation of their armaments on this date in 1775, and in continued defiance of all who would infringe on the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.” [More]It doesn't hurt to remind these people how their positions of privilege came to be in the first place.
We're the Only Ones Prematurely Discharging Enough
A San Francisco sheriff’s deputy accidentally discharged a non-duty weapon, a "baby Glock," inside the Hall of Justice on Wednesday morning, apparently while trying to demonstrate the proper use of the weapon to a colleague. [More]In fairness, I've yet to find "a 22-caliber 'baby' Glock" that's worth a damn...
I once had a reporterette get all snotty on me for "getting all technical" and expecting easily-obtainable subject matter accuracy from a professional journalist. I just spent a few minutes trying to locate that old post, but don't even remember what year it was.
[Via Steve A]
Domestic Enemies -- Opposite Day 'Progressive-Style'
Yeah, how dare sheriffs embrace the Constitution and law enforcement personnel consider themselves "peace officers"? And what about those anti-government extremists who believe their oath to the Constitution takes precedence over orders? [More]
Thanks for setting us straight, George Soros and the Center for Public Integrity! NBC couldn't have boosted this without you!
Thanks for setting us straight, George Soros and the Center for Public Integrity! NBC couldn't have boosted this without you!
We're the Only Ones Kosher Enough
NYPD cops pocketed cash bribes to “expedite” pistol permits for members of the Orthodox Jewish community — and a Boro Park Shomrim patrol leader offered another officer a near $1 million payday to keep the scheme going, the feds charged Monday. [More]Such a deal!
[Via Steve T]
It's Not Like Environmentalism is a Fanatical Religion or Anything
That is why Australia has to have such strong biosecurity laws... [More]Yep -- bring in your lap dogs and become the star of a hostage video.
Say, how's "progressive" Australia on other things getting in, you know, like refugees...?
Hey, gotta protect that biosecurity...
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