Sunday, September 30, 2018
What I Saw at the Kent State Open Carry Walk
You didn't need these guys 'cause of us.
I'll be doing a write-up and sharing more pictures in a day or so.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
He Said/She Said
Did Maxine Waters' Office Doxx GOP Senators During Kavanaugh Testimony? [More]She angrily denies it.
It ought to be simple enough to determine.
The big problem will be getting an admission instead of an attack if the accusations prove true.
Funny how those who would deny it to others demand due process for themselves.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Opposite Day Diversity
“The Dutch government wants to register the race, ethnicity, political views, and religion or philosophical conviction of anyone who applies for or renews a firearm license." [More]Sounds pretty "progressive" to me.
Along with a "hate"vote not being as legitmate vote.
[Via Felix B]
Murphy's Law
Murphy is calling his effort NR8, identifying seven Democrats running for House seats and Jacky Rosen, running against Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, in races that they’ve determined are both winnable, and which would have an immediate impact on changing gun laws. [More]The enemy is organized. Are you?
[Via Roger J]
They Were Expendable
The fact that Feinstein would cavalierly toss her under the bus should be a sign to everyone that no one in the Democrat party cares about Ford. [More]So someone is...lying...?
More than one someone?
Calling 'Pro-Gun' Attorneys General
Understanding the intolerable injustice being perpetrated, all you guys are too busy to file briefs of your own? [More]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Pro-Gun Democrat' Is
With the exceptions of perhaps Joe Manchin, Jon Tester, and Heidi Heitkamp, pro-gun Blue Dog Democrats are all but extinct. [More]I agree with the overall thesis that guns are the bigger objective. I just wish those advancing it would realize a fundamental truth.
[Via Mack H]
Cognitive Dissonance
The only thing missing so far is the live ammo. [More]Exactly.
So why do you want to deny us the delivery systems, "Second Amendment Guy" Ben Stein?
[Via Mack H]
Alpha Extreme
Lindsey Graham is what's wrong with men today. Toxic masculinity. [More]Saying he has crossed that line allows for rougher men to be classified as what, exactly? This parallels what the "progressives" have done with "acceptable" Republicanism.
[Via Michael G]
A Hole in One
A Wichita man pulled in front of a truck, got out of his vehicle armed with a golf club and began demanding money before the driver of the truck shot and killed him, police say. [More]Where was this guy when anti-gun Jack Nicholson went clubbing in traffic?
[Via bondmen]
The Time to Speak Up Was Decades Ago
"It's time for me to speak up," Gosnell, 73, wrote. "In the early 1980s, I was drugged, beaten and raped by one of our colleagues at the L.A. Times." [More]Maybe he mistook her for vermin.
So, lady, you're still not gonna name names?
[Via bondmen]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Nonpartisan' Is
Nonpartisan groups register 87,000 in effort to engage black Missourians in midterms [More]
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Standing Enough
Former Minneapolis officer to stand trial in Justine Ruszczyk’s death [More]All those who ignored the reality to exploit the optics ought to be standing trial with him.
[Via bondmen]
Parasite 11/9
‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ revenues drop 80% in 4 days — anti-Trump movie plays to empty theaters! [More]What if you try to spark a riot and nobody cares?
Looks like Michael Moore has an out to stay...
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Dimensions of Freedom
#CatoDigital—The Right to Bear 3D-Printed Arms: A First and Second Amendment Issue ... [More]Live stream starts in a few minutes at 6 p.m. Eastern.
I just found out about this moments ago.
[Via Ed R]
We're the Only Ones Doubling Down Enough
NJ police officer charged with sexually assaulting 2nd child [More]And that doubled his dating dilemma.
[Via Neil W]
What's Good for the Gander is Good for the Goose
Female student drops 'slut-shaming' lawsuit against University of Cincinnati [More]So "equal treatment" only applies to "good" stuff...?
[Via Michael G]
Taken at Face Value
Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who served in the Obama administration, argued that the U.S. does not “value our kids the way other nations do” and that Americans “value our guns more than we value our children." [More]We certainly value our children's freedom more than this apologist for omnipotent statism.
[Via Michael G]
Welcome the Stranger
Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Beating Homeless Men to Death Was Deported Six Times, Released by Obama [More]Those must be the Americans who won't do the jobs...
[Via Michael G]
Employee Benefits
Police say Devyn Rhodes, who was a hall monitor at the high school had sex with a 16-year-old female student. [More]"Hall monitor" is a paying job?
[Via bondmen]
But That's Illegal
The armed individual was identified as a 15-year-old. [More]If only they would disarm you and me...
[Via bondmen]
Usual Suspects File Briefs Supporting Hawaii Open Carry Ban
Basically, none of these people — or those whose interests they serve — want your right to keep and bear arms to be recognized by the courts and they are using every legal trick and original intent-conflicting precedent to get the Ninth Circuit to side with them. [More]And they'll destroy anyone who is not on Team Totalitarian to keep them off the courts.
Isn't This the Part Where a Judge Would Say 'Case Dismissed'?
Two men have come forward to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to claim that they are the ones who actually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford during a house party in 1982 — and not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. [More]Emily, you're up:
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Who, Indeed. And What.
There is currently no trace of Julie Swetnick on social media. [More]How convenient.
UPDATE: Deep State.
UPDATE: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Nothing from Nothing
“I’ve been voting since I was 18 years old — and trust me I didn’t know nothing about nothing at 18 years old — right?” she said, throwing her hands up. [More]In other words, commit citizenship malpractice and vote Democrat.
I feel a Billy Preston song coming on...
Politislut Kasich Flaunts Serial Infidelities
Asked if there are other ways for him to circumvent the Legislature, Kasich said: "Every day we look."[More]What a pain in the kAss...
Look who he's betraying (again)!
In fairness they'd been warned.
Don't be a guncuck.
Oh What the Hell. Be Evil
...the search system, codenamed Dragonfly, would require users to log in to perform searches, track their location – and share the resulting history with a Chinese partner who would have "unilateral access" to the data. [More]"Step into my parlor," said the spider...
[Via Michael G]
What Happens in New York Doesn't Stay There
Nevada Firearms Coalition President Don Turner joins NRA's Dana Loesch to talk about the NYC-based Bloombergians' latest push to impose registration enablement. [Watch]
We're the Only Ones Planting Enough
Prosecutors are dropping charges in at least two dozen cases initiated by a former Jackson County Sheriff’s Office deputy who’s under investigation for allegedly planting drugs on people during traffic stops. [More]The true danger was in the harvesting.
[Via Neil W]
We're the Only Ones Hammering Home Enough
An Ottawa, Kan., police sergeant has been charged with battery in connection with an incident at his home earlier this month. [More]The important thing is he'd made it there at the end of his shift.
[Via bondmen]
Bowled Over
Two motorists, in different locations and different months, said their vehicles were struck by bowling balls as they were driving. And police said there could be a third victim. [More]Three? I've heard of a strike and a spare,but a spate...?
Anyone who can't be trusted with a bowling ball...
[Via bondmen]
The Obvious Solution
Part of the plan calls for reaching out to gang members and known troublemakers to let them know that the pressure is going to be turned up on them if they don't straighten up. [More]Ah yes, a stern talking-to.
Why has no one thought of this before?
[Via bondmen]
'Gun Slinging Idoit'
That certainly makes me feel dumb. Along with being called "Hilteresque." [More]
Actually, quite a few trolls have shown up under this article. I don't mind because it shows the "quality" of their arguments.
And "If you Republitarded Trumpanzees don’t like what I just wrote go shoot yourselves."
Actually, quite a few trolls have shown up under this article. I don't mind because it shows the "quality" of their arguments.
And "If you Republitarded Trumpanzees don’t like what I just wrote go shoot yourselves."
Reality Czechs
Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis told the European Union that his country will not take another economic migrant. [More]They're telling the EU to go **** themselves on guns, too.
[Via Michael G]
Masters of Self-Interest
Tucker Carlson: Republicans ‘Don’t Really Care’ About Protecting Either You or Kavanaugh [More]Which way is the wind blowing?
[Via Mack H]
Can't You Just Feel the Love?
We could find some common ground and a reason to love each other. [More]No "we" couldn't.
This guy really is crazy. And not just for believing his grade school-level scrawlings that only get attention because he's "famous" constitute "art."
Besides, we've seen what "socialists" consider "common ground."
[Via Steve T]
Won't That Disenfranchise Clamshell Owners?
W. Virginia's Decision to Allow Smartphone Voting for Midterms Raises Serious Security Concerns [More]But they say they use "blockchain technology." What could go wrong?
[Via Florida Guy]
More Than Meets the Eye
During an otherwise professional exchange on networking and career advice, Schwertner abruptly wrote, “I just really want to f—- you,” and sent her an image that appeared to be a picture of his genitals that was taken in the shower, according to a UT official who has seen the exchange and the photo. [More]This is just too nonsensical to buy into without further validation. How oblivious, self-destructive and just plain dumb would you have to be to do this, anytime, but especially in today's climate?
Define 'Disciplined'
The first three videos were released last week, and at least two people who appeared in them have been disciplined. [More]Big whoop.
Then the moles were right about being able to get away with practically anything and still have jobs? And no OIG investigations are underway?
♪♫♬ And Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide ♪♫♬
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Give a little whistle... |
WaPo Fact Checker Gives O’Rourke Four Pinocchios for Claim He Didn’t Try to Leave Scene of a DWI [More]Speaking of which, like the Blue Fairy says, "A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face."
[Via Mack H]
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
We're the Only Ones Fraternal Enough
Police Cmdr. Jon Burge, whose name became synonymous with torture, a web of tainted court convictions and more than $100 million in settlements with wrongfully convicted defendants who lost decades of their lives in jail, has died in Florida at 70, according to the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police. [More]The disgusting apologia for that by Former FOP President Dean Angelo reminds me how much I loathe that organization, and why.
So Much for 'If It Saves One Life'
Fearful that the Right-to-Carry was getting too much good publicity in the wake of an Illinois concealed carry permit holder’s heroic actions, the Sun-Times editorial board felt it necessary to lecture its readers, “One brave rescue of a Cicero cop doesn’t justify concealed guns.” [More]Who says we have to justify anything -- especially our rights -- to Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist domestic enemies and useful idiots?
And There Is That
“I support the right, not the practice.” [More]Pretty much. Speaking for myself.
Let the angry rebuttals commence.
Over there, please.
[Via DUF-Digest]
Meet the New Boss
Not the same as the old boss. [More]
She certainly has had an interesting career path, what little we can see of it. I have no idea what this means in terms of continued company viability.
And she certainly hangs with a ...uh... unique group or people. Being a barbaric "There once was a man from Nantuckett" kind of appreciator of her art form, I have to defer to a more qualified analysis:
[Via DDS]
She certainly has had an interesting career path, what little we can see of it. I have no idea what this means in terms of continued company viability.
And she certainly hangs with a ...uh... unique group or people. Being a barbaric "There once was a man from Nantuckett" kind of appreciator of her art form, I have to defer to a more qualified analysis:
[Via DDS]
An Authority Unto Himself
Once again, Lankford leaves us with the question, how did he get his data? [More]Since when do "progressives" need to prove their claims?
[Via Jess]
Sister Act
Smith & Wesson loses fight with nuns and other shareholders on gun safety proposal [More]The commununs are just figureheads. These are the "capitalists" selling the rope.
[Via Bluesgal]
We're the Only Ones Postponed Enough
The decision to drop the charges was made after a judge denied a motion asking for more time to gather records. A circuit attorney’s office spokeswoman says the cases will be refiled. [More]It's about time.
Past, present and future.
Also falsified, delayed and to be served.
[Via bondmen]
Urban Legends
Among big U.S. cities, Baltimore was followed by Detroit, which recorded a homicide rate of 40 per 100,000 people; Memphis, Tennessee, with a rate of 28 per 100,000 and Chicago, with a rate of 24 per 100,000. But some smaller cities reported higher homicide rates. St. Louis has a population of slightly over 300,000 and registered a homicide rate of 66 per 100,000. [More]Kind'a makes you wish the whole country would go Democrat.
[Via bondmen]
JoJo Krako Gun Control
Tammy Baldwin: Middleton shooting shows need for gun restrictions 'consistent with the Second Amendment' [More]Who's infringin'? We're restrictin'.
Besides, nobody needs them fancy heaters.
Bear has more.
Rotten Fruit from a Rotten Tree
George Soros’s Son Pours Nearly $3 Million Into Democratic Coffers for Midterms [More]Curious, how the Orwellian Opposite Day "progressives" rail against "the One Percent"...
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Telling Enough
Blacksburg Police Department Detective Brian Wilson’s testimony centered on an observation he made while surveilling Zhao. While dressed in plain clothes, he watched Zhao and Zhao’s friend shoot an AR-15 at a gun range. He said he was certain that Zhao had a 30-round magazine. [More]Stupid "law."
Contemptible "Only One." Imagine going out of your way to destroy another human being's life over this.
I know it's a common surname, but anybody know if Brian is Sonnyboy...?
[Via Bear]
Dem Gillum Threatens Florida Gun Owners as GOP Increasingly Betrays Them
You wouldn’t tolerate a cheating spouse, would you? Why would you take it from a politician? Maybe we should ask Republican “#gunsense champion” Anitere Flores, who seems to have experience with both kinds of betrayals. [More]If there is a midterm "blue wave" wipeout, it will be because faithless "Republicans" have disincentivized their base.
Then Stop Enabling Invasion
'No nos vamos a pelear con Trump': López Obrador [“We are not going to fight with Trump”: Lopez Obrador] Excelsior, September 22, 2018 [More]Spock's reply seems appropriate.
I Sense Something. A Presence I've Not Felt Since...
Would More Gun Control Lead to More Crime? Criminologist Gary Kleck debated Paul Helmke, the former president and CEO of the Brady Center. [More]Glad to see Paul has completely recovered from his close encounter with one of "those people."
It's Not Like Anyone's Life Could Be Destroyed or Anything
New accuser told classmates she wasn’t sure Kavanaugh exposed himself [More]Gee, Ronan Farrow-- why should we believe any claims you make about anyone
We're the Only Ones Unworkable Enough
Dallas PD Fires Cop Who Killed Man after Entering Wrong Apartment [More]First she didn't make it home at the end of her shift and now this.
[Via Michael G]
The Silence of the Shams
Republicans Have A Simple Choice: Vote To Confirm Kavanaugh Or Get Slaughtered In November [More]Those trying to shape a court that will sanction citizen disarmament have some slaughter of their own in mind.
[Via Mack H]
Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?
What do you think? [More]
Interesting-- if you're at a restaurant with your wife and lunatics decide to "chase" you out, management and staff can do nothing to protect you if the mob gets even uglier.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Adopting Gun-grabber Arguments on ‘Common Use’ Ignores Intent of Second Amendment
While such uses are certainly supposed to be protected, this isn’t about what is “popular” for sport or even for self-defense. This is about the grand intent behind the Second Amendment and the ultimate reason the Framers concluded “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”[More]"Progressives" are trying to limit the First Amendment to what is "popular," too.
Double Racist?
Either that or he's making unsolicited advances...
Hey, we know an NFL player holding up a fist is deemed "free speech." What would happen to one who did this?
Scoping Things Out
Check out Scopes Field for questions to ask and answers to consider when choosing a rifle scope. [More]
The Creepy Line
Almost all of Clinton's popular vote margin could be attributed to Google bias, making her win "negligible." [More]It's probably a significant factor in why polls show most Americans believe Kavanaugh's accuser and favor more gun bans.
[Via Michael G]
And a Big 'So What?' to NPR
What is clear is that, at times, the Russians followed so closely behind the American gun rights group that it duplicated its content word for word. [More]Domestic gun-grabbers work hand in hand with the globalist ones as the DSM parrots talking points they all use and it's no big deal?
There is absolutely no evidence that any of this was a violation of law, which is what NPR is trying to not so subtly imply.
If it's a common argument, slogan or meme that does not serve their agenda, "progressives" mean to shut it down.
[Via Roger J]
Let the 'Sexism' Charges and Rage Begin
Interesting perspectives on causes of documented political difference generalities at:
Rebuttals to key points should be more than ad hominem name-calling if logical fallacies are to be avoided.
[Via Florida Guy]
- How Women Dismantle NATIONS * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS
Rebuttals to key points should be more than ad hominem name-calling if logical fallacies are to be avoided.
[Via Florida Guy]
A Regular Occurrence
The 25th Amendment has never been used to remove a U.S. president, but it has been in the news with unprecedented regularity during the Trump administration. [More]Gosh. Say, you don't think...?
For the Children
The feMarxists and the powers behind them don't care about this woman. They don't care about these little girls and what the vicious power grab against their father abetted and amplified by the DSM -- that their schoolmates see and talk about -- is doing to them.
They would kill him in front of them or them in front of him if it served their goals. And they'd do the same to you and yours.
"Commonsense gun safety laws," anyone?
The Arbiter of Approved Thought
Twitter directed Woods to delete a July 20 post claiming his tweet contained “text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.” [More]But none of the stuff put out there by unhinged "progressive" celebrities is "misleading in a way that could impact an election"?
And make no mistake. Twitter didn't "direct" this. @Jack did. Pretty subjective "standard" there, oh self-appointed guardian of "progress" (f-ing god complex much?). But like The Keeper always says...
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11 Million Here, 11 Million There
Pretty soon you're talking real numbers. [More]
Not that we gun owners have cause to to worry.
[Via several of you]
Dial 911...
...and die. [More]
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
On the bright side, Shannon has some more "gunblood" to dance in.
[Via Jess]
No Matter How Yu Sliced It
5 People, Including 3 Infants, Stabbed at NYC Maternity Center; Butcher Knife, Meat Cleaver Found at Scene [More]If only NYC had some kind of "commonsense knife safety laws"...
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Suspect Enough
Cops in Parkland shooting under investigation for crimes [More]But we can't say what for because that would be telling.
[Via Jess]
The Company They Keep
Ex-Cuomo aide gets 6 years in prison for corruption [More]"Like a brother," eh?
Well now Joe can make his disarmament-crazy "brother" happy by becoming a "prohibited person" for life.
[Via Roger J]
Prophets in the Wilderness of Intolerance
Promoting the traditional family is unChristian idolatry. [Listen]
I guess there's a more "progressive" way to rear the children "deeply religious persons" let live.
Oh look: Haters.
[Via Florida Guy]
In the Spirit of Bipartisanship
Under the breakthrough, Pope Francis recognized the legitimacy of seven bishops appointed by the Chinese government. [More]Don't think of it as a deal with the devil -- think of it as politics being the art of the possible, and the perfect being the enemy of the good.
I mean, "we" accept that from our "gun rights leaders" all the time...
Build the Wall?
Scientists think a giant artificial wall propped up under Antarctica's ice sheets could stop catastrophic sea-level rise [More]But "progressive experts" say a much shorter and less massive one to stem the flow of people is a laughable impossibility...
Insulating the Hell Out of Us
Technology has created an infrastructure that insulates ideas while protecting those deemed important.[More]Actually, those running the infrastructure are doing their damnedest to eliminate ideas that challenge what they demand everyone believe by creating a "progressive" safe space monopoly.
[Via Mack H]
Of Course You Realize This Means War
“Vote early, vote often, whatever you can get away with,” he told the union. [More]Disenfranchise everyone who disagrees with a tyrannical agenda. And then impose illegitimate edicts under force of armed "law."
Who's willing to live under that?
[Via Jess]
True Nature
NRA downgrades Hogan's ranking to 'C,' declines to endorse him. Jealous gets 'F' grade. [More]It's telling what "Republicans" will do when they have reason to think they no longer need you.
And yeah, no doubt about it: Jealous lives up (down?) to his name.
We're the Proto-Fauxnly Ones Disqualified Enough
This 19-year-old wants to be a cop — so he hacked into the police computer system, officers say [More]His instincts to take what did not belong to him were right, but he committed the cardinal sin of getting caught.
The video at the end shows even the Only Ones acknowledge the danger of Fauxnly Ones. You're aware of this archive, right? You never know when you might have to prove you had reason to doubt authenticity...
Friday, September 21, 2018
Economic Cleansing
Infowars says PayPal has terminated agreement with it for promoting 'hate' [More]The forces really are determined to eradicate all but approved thought. This is economic fascism. When done in conspiracy and collusion with all the others, and all with the intent of securing political power with which to rule, these are acts of ideological and economic warfare.
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment ... Mr. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. [More]This calls for a swift commensurate response.
UPDATE: A joke?
Dang-- who to believe? The New York Times or NBC News?
Welcome to the Hotel California
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave! [More]
We don't need no stinkin' elections!
[Via Michael G]
The Big Chill
As such, according to FEC Chairwoman Caroline Hunter, as of Wednesday, September 19, 501(c)(4) organizations that engage in federal political activity will be required to publicly disclose donors to the FEC. [More]I'd kind of like to know who's enabling whom. Then again, there have been draconian abuses ...
[Via Felix B]
Headline News
[Via Wynn A]
A Need-to-Know Basis
Snochia Moseley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know [More]Sorry, but I'll be the judge of what I need to know, and it looks like that's been deliberately cut off from independent review. That means whatever else we need to know will come from Baltimore government "authorities" as amplified by and filtered through the DSM.
How else am I going to be able to check for NRA and other "right-wing extremist" affiliations?
[Via Michael G]
I Saw This Debate on South Park
Cordray, the former attorney general of Ohio appointed by Obama to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is locked in a dead-heat race with Republican state Attorney General Mike DeWine... [More]And gun owners are supposed to get fire in our bellies...?
Will it boil down to who is more dangerous?
Perhaps I should let the candidates speak for themselves.
The Truth IS Out There
The truth is available, with some digging, and almost all that truth leads back to the work of online journalist Mike Vanderboegh. [More]Yes.
But at the risk of appearing petty and self-serving, what am I, chopped liver?
[Via Neil W]
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