Surprisingly though, a Facebook colleague has alerted us to a source that just doesn’t get it: The White House. Per its explanation of the Constitution: “The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.” [More]"Pro-gun" Donald Trump could correct this egregious and inexcusable error in seconds, today, simply by telling a staffer "Fix it." Help me make that happen by signing the petition and asking him personally?
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Petition Asks White House to Recognize Second Amendment Does Not ‘Give’ a Right
Friday, June 28, 2019
The Shape of Things to Come
My prediction? Expect more of this. Expect states taking actions against political opponents which have more and more force implied. [More]None of us has a crystal ball.
If I did, I'd expect it to foresee the same future as Marlin Rey Muza's excellent analysis on events Kate Brown is setting into motion in Oregon.
Charlie's Demons
Hollywood sure loves it some guns!
Just ask writer/director Elizabeth Banks, and "stars" Kristen Stewart and Naomi Scott!
They also for some reason like to show women beating the crap out of men as if any of these vacuous stage props would be more than rag dolls in a real fight to the finish.
The original remake (!) was no better.
Taxi driver framed for rape now scared to carry females [More]I'm trying to think if there could be a punishment too severe.
That photo brings nothing to mind so much as Quint's soliloquy.
[Via Michael G]
Strangling Infants in Their Cribs
For up-and-coming YouTubers reliant on that revenue, it can pose a huge problem. [More]That's the key. While established personalities can generate revenue with swag, this can keep new idea providers from getting in the game. And I don't know about you, but I don't go there for the mugs, which many I learn from are not offering them anyway.
[Via Michael G]
A Good First Step
The head of the Massachusetts motor vehicle division has resigned after her agency failed to terminate the commercial driving license of a man whose collision with a group of motorcyclists on a rural New Hampshire road left seven bikers dead. [More]Now, what about the head of the USCIS?
[Via William T]
The Peace Delegation from Wakanda has Arrived
VIDEO: African migrants raft cross Mexico border — with no National Guard in sight [More]Maybe they're trying to get their elephant back.
So He Got His Slogans Mixed Up...
'I did NOT know!' Bill de Blasio apologizes after shouting Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara's favorite Communist slogan in Spanish at a Miami rally [More]In fairness, he meant to say "Peace, Land, and Bread."
Framing the Terms
In a discussion on another topic I was reminded of a helpful resource, the "POLITICALLY CORRECTED Glossary of Terms." [More]
That, in turn, reminds me of an older effort from back when our long-retired GunTruths effort was shiny and new.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make some adjustments on my patrol rifle...
Show of Hands
All of the candidates — including former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Kamala Harris and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg — raised their hands when asked by an NBC moderator if they would support a health care plan that would cover undocumented immigrants. [More]I didn't see it -- did they at least bend their elbows?
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Test of Time
This is now a test of the court itself, not just ATF or DOJ. Taking the longer view, because I anticipate the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals blowing this off, it is a test of the Supreme Court. [More]Speaking of which, I'm told they gave us until August 29 to file our petition for certiorari.
Tales of the Most Transparent Administration in History
Obama's 'wholesale destruction' of tens of thousands of National Archive Records [More]Who but a racist would object?
[Via Neil W]
We're the Only Ones Self-Destructive Enough
Fourth NYPD officer commits suicide amid police 'mental health crisis' [More]Hey, if New York cops can red flag us, can we red flag them?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Outspoken Enough
“An untrained person, even with the minimum training currently required for CCW holders, really has no idea what they have truly just embarked into,” said Toledo Police officer Michael Haynes... [More]Quite the electrifying speaker...
Masters Blame Slaves for Chain Lock Failures
FED. JUDGE DENIES DOJ MOTION TO DISMISS SAF CALIFORNIA REGISTRATION CASE [More]What is this "registration" of which they speak?
Tools Don't Make the Craftsman
As a gun-rights supporter, Michael Paul Wolfgar Lewis sided with Kentucky lawmakers when they relaxed gun laws to let people carry a concealed firearm without a permit or training. But as the owner of a firearms training business in suburban Louisville, Lewis said the new Kentucky law that takes effect Thursday could send him elsewhere. [More]Kudos to this man for placing principle first. Too many don't. Let's hope his proper attitude is recognized and rewarded, and he is pleasantly surprised.
We still need guitar lessons.
Are Those Blessings of Liberty Secured Yet?
“He probably would have been better off staying quiet,” Sheriff Warren Wethington said. [More]A-yup.
It's a custodian for you, my man...
And They Called It Puppy Love
FBI Uses Puppies to Justify Civil Asset Forfeiture [More]Think of it as the feds balancing of the scales.
And just in case anybody needed an Ipecac substitute...
[Via Michael G]
The Broader Issue
“The broader issues are the need for reforms in the criminal justice system and immigration,” Finucane said. [More]You'll recall this broad already issued "reforms" that will make it safer for both foreign and domestic criminal populations.
Will anybody be upset when the commies start hanging bankers?
[Via Mack H]
The Desired Effect
Ralph Northam Is Working To Make Virginia’s Gun Laws More Deadly [More]Well sure. How else can he insist on more?
And Jorge helped!
[Via Mack H]
What a Hater!
Dalai Lama warns that the whole of Europe could become 'Muslim or African' if migrants are not returned to their home countries [More]He's an extremist, too.
Hey, can we nominate this guy for Pope and replace the subversive dolt doing it now?
Why So Surprised?
Chief Justice John Roberts joined with the court's liberal wing in delivering the court's opinion. [More]Looks like the Dolly photos once more worked their magic.
This is what happens when you buy a pig in a poke.
And a swamp pig at that.
Mack H sends "John Roberts Throws the Administrative State a Lifeline."
What did Mr. Goldfinger say?
Et Tu, Vimeo?
YouTube removed the video, but Vimeo went one step further. The company chose to ban Project Veritas from its platform for uploading a video with “hateful, defamatory, or discriminatory” content. [More]What else would we expect?
Why not file a libel suit?
[Via Michael G]
Smollett... Paging Mr. Smollett
Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common Than You Think ... A political scientist found that fewer than 1 in 3 of 346 such allegations was genuine. [More]Does this mean hysterical claims that there's nothing more dangerous than white extremists might be a tad overblown...?
[Via Michael G]
We'll All be Drinkin' That Free Bubble Up And Eatin' That Rainbow Stew
The golden asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire [More]In Zimbabwean money!
Or doesn't "supply and demand" apply anymore?
Sing it, Merle.
This reminds me of another article I read a couple days back about a massive freshwater aquifer discovered under the Atlantic off the U.S. northeast coast, and how the eggheads were orgasmic over the prospect of giving it to the Arabs and the Africans.
The admonition about the Buddha applies to anyone who uses the word "stakeholder."
AOC, de Blasio, Schumer, Sullivan Laws...
SICK ISIS supporters have threatened to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in a series of chilling posters. [More]Mr. Benny is considering things and Tommy Lee thinks they'll have to do better.
But WE'RE the Ones MakingThreats
“Bill, what if something bad happens to your family? What if somebody shoots them or something bad happens? I think you should be worried,” said one message. Another message said: “F– you. What if something happens to your family? What if somebody gets hurt? What are you going to do then?” [More]But...but...but...
I can't wait for this cowardly piece of crap to be identified.
I wonder if the Hogglet turned in similar evidence all seven times.
Gun Column Makes Good Points But Spreads One Wrong Idea
Nobody in government gave us that right, so it’s not theirs to try and take away. [More]Take nothing for "granted."
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Beta Testing
Socialism is typically favoured by weaker males, according to academic research [More]Not much of a surprise, nor is the jealous resentment and hatred directed at those they recognize as their superiors.
That's also why they misbehave in numbers, and with faces masked.
[H/T Wirecutter]
No Need to Go On
"Miss Omar appears to be a serial career criminal and should not have access to our nation's highest secrets and intelligence"... [More]He should have ended it at she shouldn't have access to our nation.
Too Little Too Late
Received via email:
I suppose it's better late than never, but that he's just getting around to a "bang for the buck" analysis now is yet another demonstration of how he has enjoyed fabulous benefits while dumping his oversight responsibilities on others. That's not only stupid and lazy, but it's also disrespectful of everyone who made a donation at the expense of another priority.
UPDATE: Looks like Chris Cox resigned, too.
I'm wondering if all this is going to result in more lawsuits.
Who thinks Wayne won't sue if they do the right thing, fire him, and decide he didn't earn that retirement package?
I suppose it's better late than never, but that he's just getting around to a "bang for the buck" analysis now is yet another demonstration of how he has enjoyed fabulous benefits while dumping his oversight responsibilities on others. That's not only stupid and lazy, but it's also disrespectful of everyone who made a donation at the expense of another priority.
UPDATE: Looks like Chris Cox resigned, too.
I'm wondering if all this is going to result in more lawsuits.
Who thinks Wayne won't sue if they do the right thing, fire him, and decide he didn't earn that retirement package?
We're the Only Ones Neglectful Enough
Broward County Sheriff Fires Two More Deputies Over Parkland School Shooting - “After we take that totality of facts, it became clear to me and our command staff that this was neglect of duty.” [More]That's OK for starters, Sheriff Tony. Now, how about using that bully pulpit and scorching all the nitwits saying the answer is more citizen disarmament?
Five stars on that collar tell me they still don't have their priorities straight.
[Via Michael G]
Patching Holes in the Shield
Minnesota Supreme Court Holds That Nonmedia Speakers Are Fully Protected by First Amendment [More]Anything that makes "Authorized Journalists" less elite is A-OK in my book. Actually, if anybody ought to be sued...
[Via Michael G]
Hundreds sign petition in support of allowing Virginia Beach city employees to bring guns to work [More]That'll have the oppressors quaking in their boots.
Wake me when it's hundreds of thousands.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Panic-Inducing Enough
Police concluded that there’s a high probability that someone mistakenly thought a sheriff’s deputy was someone else, she said. [More]There something about frightened sheep calling wolves to save them that just seems a bit off ...
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Unlocked Enough
Georgia Pushes Gun Safety - County sheriff offices in the state are distributing gun locking devices following a recent incident [More]Let's ask "Sammy the Bull" Gravano what he thinks.
There ain't no "One size fits all," and who thinks Darius, the catalyst for this phony act of public virtue oozing, would have suddenly become responsible?
I guess NSSF thinks this will make people like them.
Attack of the Satanic Hellhags
‘Nuns vs. Guns’ Is a Progressive Gaslighting Con for Bullying Churches [More]The first clue is the attack on freedom and the advancing of an agenda that serves the very ideology that persecutes and then repurposes the Church.
[Via Mack H]
Looks Like the Indian Wars are Heating Up Again
MoveOn 2020 Straw Poll Results, June 2019 ... First Choice: Elizabeth Warren 37.8% ... Second Choice: Elizabeth Warren 24.8% [More]Looks like the wisdom of Magua is once more being ignored...
[Via Dave Licht]
Mixed Messages
The mixed messages are adding to the confusion and frustration California gun owners and advocacy groups have expressed in recent weeks as they try to navigate new regulations they first learned about earlier this month. [More]When even the rulers can't agree on what edicts to hang you with, how are you supposed to know?
Don't worry, they'll find something.
The thought strikes-- perhaps friends could supply California friends with pre-registration ammo on the sly so that folks who have stockpiled can offload and replace some of their older stuff...
[Via Roger J]
A Red Flag
Officers say the alleged gunman had criminal convictions for domestic violence, DUI and battery, and had guns that are illegal in California, including two assault weapons. [More]Which obviously means we need more "gun control"!
Comment of the Year
Watch how many turn around. [More]Laughing here.
What's not funny is the story prompting it. I understand the concern over the optics of privileged Eric vs. poor SJWorking girl resulting in the decision not to press charges, but that sends the wrong message about equality under the law. Plus now we don't get to find out who this head case is so we can see just how Democratically deranged she is from her social media trail.
That and she deserves the same consequences I'd get if I spat on Chelsea.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Real Reporting
Philip Van Clief... [More]I'm sorry, Contact Reporter Marie Albiges.
Sometimes we expect too much of you.
[Via Mack H]
Make Mexico Great Again
Rank-And-File Mexicans Agree With Him And Want Guatemala Border Closed! [More]Damn racist xenophobes...
Dems Double Down on Dumb
Of course, in order for this bill to pass, it needs to move through both houses. And nothing can move through the Senate unless the Senate Republicans return. Wilde, in his infinite stupidity, just gave them another reason not to. [More]More developments along the Oregon trail...
Police Reports, Please
Parkland survivor David Hogg says he's been target of 7 'assassination attempts' [More]Were those before or after Trump and Kavanaugh raped him?
[Via Jess]
The Best Elections Money Can Buy
Billionaire Tom Steyer, Emily’s List pump cash into Virginia to help Democrats [More]Hold up, guys! Got room for one more?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Pushy Enough
Tabarly can be seen on the store's surveillance camera footage pushing Wishah to the ground ... the same two officers returned to the supermarket the next day to seize surveillance video of the incident and persuade the owner to claim that he had wanted Wishah removed from the premises ... Tabarly remains on the Country Club Hills Police Department's roster, according to the Peace Officer Standards and Training division... [More]Oxymoronic in more ways than one...
Curious thing about their Facebook page:
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[Right click/open in new tab to enlarge] |
[Via bondmen]
Your Kind Isn't Welcome Here
National Guard Bans Christian Scouts Because of Religious Beliefs [More]Who thinks these guys would have an issue with Katrina confiscations?
[Via Michael G]
What Difference Does It Make?
Nancy Pelosi On Immigration Laws: “In Terms Of Interior Enforcement – What’s The Point?” [More]Any questions on what the plan is?
[Via Michael G]
Showing My Age
I've been informed that Firesign Theater references like the one used here will not be familiar to most readers under 60. I understand and accept that. Nonetheless, it has been a tradition both at WoG and at Sipsey Street before Mike died. We were delighted to find we had that in common.
The rest will either be curious enough to learn more or it will be their loss. If I were worried about visitors not getting old cultural references, I'd have to retire all kinds of recurring characters, including Skip Coolzip, and Yul, and Fletcher, and Gomer, as well as can catchphrases like "Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town."
Good thing I do this for me. Still, I suppose I could offer refunds...
The rest will either be curious enough to learn more or it will be their loss. If I were worried about visitors not getting old cultural references, I'd have to retire all kinds of recurring characters, including Skip Coolzip, and Yul, and Fletcher, and Gomer, as well as can catchphrases like "Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town."
Good thing I do this for me. Still, I suppose I could offer refunds...
A Commonsense Totalitarian Safety Law
I was going through an old FOIA response to our "bump stock" queries and came across a copy of a Dianne Feinstein press release that pretty much distills Democrat (look who signed on) "gun control" down to the basics:
The only reason to fire so many rounds so fast is to kill large numbers of people ... The bill also contains exceptions for lawful possession of these devices by law enforcement and the government.Any questions?
If Only They Would Disarm You and Me...
Polin told the group to leave, but they returned about 10 minutes later and confronted him. A 16-year-old from the group allegedly pulled out a handgun and shot a round into the ceiling, Dyer said. Polin tried wrestling the gun from the teen, but the teen pulled away and shot him several times... [More]Oh, those kooky "teens."
This is a job for universal background checks, red flag laws, and "assault weapon" bans!
On the bright side, at least the kid is old enough to be a "gunsense voter"...
Boiling Point
In re the subject of today's AmmoLand piece, War on Guns Correspondent Florida Guy asks about statutory authority for enforcers to make arrests, and whether that could be a basis for things boiling over.
It looks like what Brown's Brownshirts will be deployed under is from Article IV of the Oregon Constitution:Section 12. Quorum; failure to effect organization. Two thirds of each house shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may meet; adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members. A quorum being in attendance, if either house fail to effect an organization within the first five days thereafter, the members of the house so failing shall be entitled to no compensation from the end of the said five days until an organization shall have been effected.and this:
2013 ORS 181.050¹ Duty to enforce laws and regulations of agenciesNoting how, like a typical tyrant, Brown disregards laws she opposes (including and especially "the supreme Law of the Land"), I'd say things could still boil over.
The state police, with the approval of the Governor, may be called upon by any other branch or department of the state government to enforce criminal laws or any regulation of such branch or department. [Amended by 1971 c.58 §1]
Half-Baked Arguments
In this difficult moment, we hope that Oberlin students are not discouraged from continuing the kind of sustained and brave activism that emerged following the initial November 2016 incident at Gibson’s. [More]Yes, let's allow grant recipients to shoplift with impunity and then smear their victims as racist fascists to destroy the longtime family business the owners have invested generations of their lives in!
[Via Steve T]
Covering Their Tracks
Google-YouTube Deletes Project Veritas Video Exposing Google Interfering with Elections Against Conservatives [More]So it's a platform, not a publisher?
[Via Michael G]
Guilt by Accusation
“I asked the gentleman who served me the papers how he was doing,” O’Gorman said. “He said, ‘I’m fine, but you might not be as well as you think you are.’ Then he handed me an abatement notice.” [More]What's the "gentleman's" name?
And how did things get this way?
[Via Michael G]
How to Take Back the 2nd Deep Blue States!
This has much useful practical application for all non-urban dominated counties. Thing is, it will require gun owners getting involved and doing some work.
Identifying good likely areas and officials, and then mobilizing members to help, sounds like the perfect coordinated effort for state gun groups. Do you know if yours will show leadership in this?
Who better to find out than you?
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Oregon ‘Militia Threat’ has all the Markings of a Smear Job against Gun Owners
Some citizens, including “Oregon Three Percenters,” were planning a protest. True to form, gun owners who will not comply with disarmament edicts are being portrayed as “anti-government extremists.” That’s despite the fact that they are the ones calling for rights abusers and infringers to obey the Constitution and observe the entire Bill of Rights. [More]Making it known that you will not go gentle into that good night scares totalitarian wannabes. Good.
Monday, June 24, 2019
They Put the C*nt in Country
Though country music has a reputation for historically being a more conservative genre, a number of artists have expressed support for stricter gun laws in the United States... [More]Ladies and gentlemen, The Saddle Tramps ...
(Totally NSFW)
Here We Go Again
Then there is the Bill of Rights, which grants Americans the right to have firearms... [More]NO, IT DOES NOT!
Those of us who do take our rights seriously are sick and tired of having to point that out, especially to those who presume to speak on our behalf with authority.
Pretty Messed-Up Priorities
The Council of Licenced Firearms Owners is exploring legal action over the Government's gun buyback scheme over what it says are unfair prices. [More]If that's their main concern, we've already established what they are.
Misery Loves Company
Black SUNY prof: ‘Seeing poor white people makes me happy’ [More]Who thinks a white professor saying the same thing about poor blacks would ever work again? What an asshole thing for anybody to say about anybody.
Leave it to an overprivileged collectivist to have an inflated sense of imagined personal injustices suffered, and to derive satisfaction from the real suffering of those he is bigoted against.
It's the essence of social justice warriorhood.
[Via Michael G]
The Important Thing Is,It Gets Him Air Time
Mayor Stoney wants to ban guns in city buildings, parks [More]Tell me that won't stop the bad guys from bringing them!
[Via Mack H]
Speaking of Hate Crimes...
Federal prosecutors say they may seek death penalty in hate-crime charges against driver accused in Charlottesville car attack [More]With such low-hanging fruit, it ought to be an easy kill, and one the mob will go wild over. Like I said, bright future for that boy.
Trump nominee, eh? That ought to get the Dems to stop calling him racist!
[Via Mack H]
Let's Try Something that Eviscerates Rights and that We Know Won't Work!
Northam conceded that his proposals wouldn’t have necessarily prevented the Virginia Beach shooting. [More]Delete the "necessarily" qualifier and I'll agree with the lying SOB.
So let's hear it for Virginia Democrats!
[Via Mack H]
Void for Vagueness
In our constitutional order, a vague law is no law at all. Only the people’s elected representatives in Congress have the power to write new federal criminal laws. And when Congress exercises that power, it has to write statutes that give ordinary people fair warning about what the law demands of them. Vague laws transgress both of those constitutional requirements. They hand off the legislature’s responsibility for defining criminal behavior to unelected prosecutors and judges, and they leave people with no sure way to know what consequences will attach to their conduct. When Congress passes a vague law, the role of courts under our Constitution is not to fashion a new, clearer law to take its place, but to treat the law as a nullity and invite Congress to try again. [More]Sounds good to me and gun owners running afoul of a federal "crime" while armed may come to appreciate the ruling. The real issue seems to be not one of a precedent that will let the violent out early now, but that those still violent are let out at all.
[Via Mack H]
Slithering Past the Graveyard of History
“The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America. Ban it,” Benioff had tweeted in 2018. A year later, Salesforce, a dominant force in the CRM space, banned businesses that sell a variety of firearms from using its force. Salesforce’s war against the First Amendment had transitioned smoothly from a campaign against the Second Amendment using its power as leverage. [More]He evidently believes he won't ultimately be given a tumbrel ride to the guillotine as a "One Percenter" aristocrat once his usefulness is no longer relevant.
[Via Mack H]
So Much for 'Don't Be Evil'
Project Veritas has released a new report on Google which includes undercover video of a Senior Google Executive, leaked documents, and testimony from a Google insider. The report appears to show Google’s plans to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections and “prevent” the next “Trump situation.” [More]Gatekeepers decide what goes through and what gets blocked.
[Via Michael G]
Hell Hath No Fury
A 32-year-old woman was arrested on June 15 when she gathered her husband’s guns to turn them over to the Lakeland Police Department. [More]Good.
I'd say this casts doubt on all her accusations against him, including the one about the car.
[Via Neil W]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Reforming' Is
Save the Second Amendment – By Reforming the NRA [More]That won't happen until a critical mass of influential voices join me in demanding Wayne LaPierre be fired and not replaced with a nominating committee crony.
As for focus point Goal 5:
Goal #5: Return to exclusive focus on Second Amendment issues.Have you ever seen Planned Parenthood advocating for immigration reform? Or the American Diabetes Association taking a stance on foreign policy? Does the National Education Association get involved with bit coin regulation? No, they don’t. That’s because they are single-issue organizations, and they focus their energy on that single issue. The NRA should do the same.Bullshit. That's exactly the wrong advice. Immigration IS a Second Amendment issue.
Answer the damn challenge.
Seeing who their "Director of Media Relations" is and his past dismissal and retreat on this issue, this doesn't surprise me. The guy's an apologist for Democrat gun-grabber supporting gun trainers, too.
So Much for All Those Laws
Sacramento Rookie Cop Killed With Unregistered ‘Assault Rifle’ [More]If that isn't a good reason to keep you from having one, I don't know what is.
[Via Dave Licht]
Something in Common Besides 'Gun-Free Zones' and 'Criminals'?
The mass shooting this past April at a California synagogue has something in common with the deadliest massacres: the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle. [More]CBS News? Weren't they the ones who made conditions intolerable for their reporter who brought ATF allowing semiautomatic rifles to be walked to Mexico to mass national attention?
If the intent here is to demonstrate that criminal abuse can lead to horrible carnage, the same could be said for any gun-- and they'll get around to that after this domino is toppled.
Scott Pelley. What a tool.
[Via Jess]
Environmentalcase Hypocrisy
Environmentalists say wall plan poses threat to Arizona wildlife, waterways [More]And this does not?
Remember when Clinton appointee Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled in favor of the Bradys, presuming authority to deny our right to possess the means of defense until an "environmental impact study" had been performed to say it was OK?
Funny-- since her ruling was never overturned by a higher court (a Congressional rider on a credit card bill allowed it instead), stare decisis ought to still apply over executive actions in her district. Anybody know if environmental impact studies have been done on the deliberate bypassing of all those lawfully-enacted immigration laws? What about a precedent-based lawsuit?
And it's not just desert trash, that just provides for a telling visual but it's a small part of the overall impact. More energy needs to be generated, more infrastructure is needed, more cars are on the road "thanks" to driver's licenses for illegals, more trash and sewage is generated everywhere they go...
Democrats care as much about the environment as they do about racism-- what they care about is if they can exploit an issue to seize more power.
[Via Wynn A]
Right, But for the Wrong Reason
Dem Sen. Blumenthal: Congress Is ‘Complicit’ in Mass Shootings [More]Yep. Every single one of those bastards that supports "gun free zones" and citizen disarmament infringements has blood on his hands.
[Via bondmen]
Talk about an Oxymoron
Liberty Defense uses 3D radar imaging and AI to detect concealed weapons [More]It also adds a whole new meaning to the term "beta testing."
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Cop-ulating Enough
Deputy accused of having sex with teen appears in court [More]So it wasn't the case she blew wide open...?
[Via bondmen]
Swiss Miss
On May 19, 2019, Swiss voters approved a new set of gun control restrictions. This newly-approved gun control measure would put Switzerland’s gun control laws in line with European Union standards. [More]Since they've resumed bowing to the hats of foreign tyrants, it's fair to wonder how soon it will be before they start tearing down William Tell statues.
[Via bondmen]
It’s a credit to Lauren that the movie is as sympathetic as it is. [More]Which is why the cultural Marxists label her as a fascist and a racist. I understand her motive to hang it up and hope she does not find herself economically ostracized.
I've trusted her work before.
Set aside some time when you can judge her conclusions for yourself:
[Via Michael G]
Bumper Sticker Logic
Mistrial in MN Shooting Case Where Bumper Sticker Used for Probable Cause [More]They've been doing that for quite some time.
Don't think it's not part of a larger "progressive" plan akin to SWATting gun owners.
Their Portion
Although Biden deserves the brunt of the blame for creating this terrible piece of legislation, Kirk conveniently ignores on a key point in his Biden hit—the 1990 GFSZA was signed by Republican President George H.W. Bush. [More]I'm reminded of another Kirk that gutless Republicucks used to reward with votes...
Marked Men
Washington Post: ‘Time to Make Masculinity a Part of the Gun Debate’ [More]The real goal, of course, is to make heritage masculinity obsolete.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
UC Santa Cruz graduate Julisa Lopez, standing before a crowd of more than 150 people Friday morning, said she was thankful for the ceremony that was about to occur. At the end of a two-year effort which Lopez, now studying for a doctorate degree in Seattle, took part in, the university was about to remove a seemingly innocuous campus historical marker in the shape of a bell. [More]Lopez...
Is that your conquistador name?
You Get a Vote and You Get a Vote and You Get a Vote!
Bill Maher Argues "History Has Chosen" Oprah to Run for President in 2020 [More]She'll do something about those NRA assassins, right, smug little media rodent?
Once is Happenstance
"Democrats aren't going to compromise their values," the aide said. [More]No, of course they're not, and only a fool would think otherwise and offer "concessions."
This is the second major story in a week where Donald Trump threatened strong action and then backed down. You can't do that and maintain any credibility.
UPDATE: It looks like CNN assigned the wrong reason for the cancellation and neglected to mention high-level sabotage. Imagine that.
Should'a known someone praised by both Bush and Obama officials would'a been a swamper. Trump should have too...
Of Course You Realize This Means War
Antifa is now plastering posters around D.C. targeting Tucker and his family by listing his home address. [More]At some point, Sons of Liberty start paying special attention to Tories.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Biden ‘Smart Gun’ Comment Shows How Dumb He is on Guns
Unsurprisingly, Biden either doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he does and doesn’t care that he’s spreading lies. [More]To be fair, his blathering has made me think of one "gun control" mandate I could really get behind.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Republican Senators have left the state, but Kate Brown is working with law enforcement in other states to try to get them to assist in the arrest of the absent Republicans... [More]It seems if Kommie Kate can tell ICE to go pound sand, "Second Amendment sanctuary sheriffs" can say the same to her.
“I’m the one that shows up at the hospital when there’s a gun shooting and also talks to victim’s families, so this really is an issue that comes home to the city of Trenton,” said Mayor Reed Gusciora. [More]How many families of victims of lawfully-owned suppressor-enabled attacks have you had to console, you lying sack? Besides "Zero"? What the hell is that quote even doing in this story except to manipulate idiots?
And aren't those owners glad they observed all edicts, especially registration, so "deals" can be reneged and their property can be confiscated?
For now, this is just noise going nowhere. Slimy Bob is just going for some ink, which the DSM is more than happy to provide. When he finally files it, I predict GovTrack will show @ a 2% chance of passage prognosis.
Let treasonous Democrats (but I repeat myself) gain dominance and it'll be a whole 'nother story.
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