Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bill St. Clair on Handgun Club of America

I wrote a letter last Thursday to HCA about their membership requirement that you promise to "observe all firearm laws." Josh Manheimer wrote back to me the same day saying that his editor agreed with me and that they would remove it from the pledge. They removed it. I joined.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is... they keep doing the right thing every time they are challenged on their positions. I mean, the guy was a Dean supporter so I just can't think of him as a right-thinking individual, and the whole non-political thing still makes me wary, but they keep going in the right direction. It is so very odd. I guess it just keeps coming down to waiting for the '08 elections to see if they become turncoats that I will reserve judgement. But it keeps getting tempting only 'cause it looks to be a decent gun group. If nothing else though, I would have to wait until I am working again, man I hate the IT industry at times...

Anonymous said...

That tendency to do a thing when challenged on it makes me uneasy too, not to mention the rational alternative jargon, which I don't particularly care for, considering what that says about me for simply sticking up for my rights.
Call me paranoid if you wish, but I wouldn't give them a dime. I can't tell what side they are really going to be on when the chips are down.

Anonymous said...

The man running the show is an ad-man.

More interested in not torqueing off his demographic than anything else.

We already have gun orgs like that ... we don't need another.

I think this is just a better thought out try at diluting the NRA ... a successor to that HCI inspired "Hunters" org that got exposed in the blogosphere last month.