Thursday, September 08, 2005

Oh, Gee--What a Surprise

"Waters were receding across this flood-beaten city today as police officers began confiscating weapons, including legally registered firearms, from civilians in preparation for a mass forced evacuation of the residents still living here."

I nominate P. Edwin Compass III for Morlock of the Month.

This business of allowing private security to keep their arms strikes me as a clear abridgement of the equal protection guarantee--but then again, your life isn't as valuable as an NBC reporter's.

Expect the same thing when disaster strikes your town.

Squeeze, baby, squeeze.

[Thanks to Cornet Joyce II]

UPDATE: I'm not sure what the NYT article was referring to--per NRA's site, there is no registration in Louisiana. Perhaps they meant those with permits for concealed handguns? Or perhaps they--or the police officials they spoke with--simply don't know what they're talking about.

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