Thursday, September 08, 2005

"We Actually Saw the Police. They're in Aisle Three."

Amazing Facts links to a video of New Orleans cops looting Wal-Mart.

I guess if they get sent on that Vegas vacation, the hotels had better inventory their towels and ashtrays...

1 comment:

AB5SY said...

I just watched a news feed on CNN, City Government in LANO just announced they had no plans for forced removal of those refusing to leave their homes. Then the very next news feed covered LANO Police and the 82nd Airborne using SWAT tactics, kicking in doors and cuffing folks before dragging them out of their homes and tossing them like sacks of potatoes onto the backs of trailers to be hauled out of town.

Why am I surprised...............I knew the Government would lie, and I knew the Nazis were itching to try out their latest toys & tactics. who's next you or me?