Friday, November 18, 2005

Prof Urges Fragging of U.S. Officers

English professor John Daly replied: "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors"...Daly's e-mail also claimed that "capitalism has killed many more" people than communism...

Where does academia come up with these creatures?

The university has deleted Prof. Daly's contact information from his web page. They can't delete Google's cache.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the guide to Google cache, I never knew about it. How would one go about using it on his own hook?

I sent along an e-mail that left no doubt my opinion of this moral cretin.

I also suggested he might do well to consider the outcome if he says something like that in a room with children or siblings or parents in theater or who have lost same there. The cowardly sonofabitch should have something to worry about.

I really don't think I could keep my hands off him if he said that in my presence. He hasn't the right under the first amendment to suggest murder or treason. That is what he has done. I would like to see him punished, however he couched his words so cowardly well, that that is unlikely.

Perhaps he will say some such in a room where it won't be tolerated. One can only hope.

David Codrea said...

straightarrow--take a look at the color-highlighted words--they were the search terms I used on Google. The result link was the web page that has been edited--but following the link description, there is a link called "cache"--that's what I clicked on to get to the cached page.

David Codrea said...

My email to the good professor:

-----Original Message-----
From: David Codrea

Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 8:00 AM


Subject: Prof Urges Fragging of U.S. Officers
An academic apologist for communism—God, what a pathetic, unoriginal stereotype you are. What is it, some deep-seated rage knowing there are men better than you?

If you think a man should have the courage of his convictions, there are plenty of examples of capitalist tyranny a hero of the people like you should consider worthy of shooting right here at home. Why haven’t you led by example?

It couldn’t be that you’re all talk and no action--depending on others to do your dirty work--is it?

In disgust,

David Codrea

Anonymous said...

Well, can we start by having the students turn whatever weapons they have against this evil Marxist "professor"?

Hmmm. Come to think of it, this is what we did in 1775, although the two situations aren't the same.