The idea of The Million Moon March (as in "mooning") is to send them photos from the side that believes in the right of the people to keep and bear arms--to let the rights grabbers know there are untold numbers of people who refuse to be disarmed, and quite candidly, to taunt and hopefully enrage them.
You are encouraged to submit your pro-gun photos to Control Arms first--yes, we realize they will fraudulently attempt to use them to pad their numbers--but that will call the credibility of their claims of support into doubt, plus it's fun to let them know we're out there defying them. Then, send a copy to WarOnGuns so I can post it here.
Like Control Arms, I will also submit our photographs in June 2006--although ours won't be a petition, but a statement of defiance.
Here are the images submitted to date:
My original submission:

My follow-up submission:

Submission from WarOnGuns commentator "1894C" (© Oleg Volk):

From Armed & Christian #1 (© Oleg Volk):

Armed & Christian submission #2 (© Oleg Volk):

The Armed Cynic offers a "Million Mutton Package Deal" (1st image © JPFO):


Blognomicon sent them this graphic (© Oleg Volk):

Captain of a Crew of One submitted a familiar image:

End the War on Freedom opted for a personal message (which would make a great poster if Photoshopped into the Elian photo with the caption "Surprise!", wouldn't it?):

Fish Or Man sent in this disturbing bit of history:

Gun Show on the Net also thought a reminder of the real life consequences of "gun control" would be appropriate:

Frequent correspondent HZ is a talented gun photographer who thought a picture of his lovely wife displaying her skills would send a clear message:

The Liberty Zone also made a powerful "armed and female" statement:

Jeremy H sure looks happy, doesn't he? Think Control Arms will post his friendly face?

Mark Odell found this image, which has pretty much vanished from the Internet--wonder why?

Oscar Poppa chose to make a point about about gungrabbing elites and their bodyguards (© Oleg Volk):

South Park Pundit tried a reasoned approach (© Oleg Volk):

and when that didn't work, just decided to have some fun:

That's it for the first round of gallery images. Let me know if you want to join in the fun--if you blog about it, I'll link to it, or if you just want to submit a photo, I'll post it--and yes, I'll admit up front I'm censoring out anti-gun rights images. The other side has a heavily-financed effort backed by IANSA, Amnesty International and Oxfam, and they're not accepting opposing views. Surely there's room for one totally unfunded private little blog to speak for the side of individual rights.
One last point: A lot of the participants selected images by Oleg Volk. Their inclusion does not imply any endorsement of this project by Mr. Volk. It simply means that these people think his compelling artwork represents their view of things.
Another source for images can be found from some of our old GunTruths posters, you can create your own, or find images you think are appropriate via search engines.
Tags: gun control
Good work!
I'm no expert at photoshopping, but I think I got your idea across mixing the famous Elian photo with me and my Winchester 1300: link
I posted: Adolph H., Herman G., Idi Amin, Saddam H., Yasser A., J. Stalin
All say: Protect me from gun violence!
I've never done any demonstration-type work for my 2nd amendment before, but this idea was too good to pass up. I read about what you were doing on "Captain of One's" site, and thought I'd join in the fun.
I sent a picture of a Barrett M28 .50 with "Come and Take It!" written above it.
Anything I can do to help freedom!
Thanks, K.T.--send me a copy and I'll post it in the next gallery update.
They posted my picture! You know, the "Come and Take It!" thing? I don't know why they did, but if you go to their gallery and search for "Stone," you'll see the sniper rifle with "Come and Take It!" above it. I was looking to see if they did the same thing to me as they did to you- you know, created a silhouette for you and all, but they just posted my very anti-gun control message for me.
~ K. T. Stone
These nuts have a movie on called AK-47 Teleshop. It is kinda funny. You can leave a comment. I left the first one. Also check out F-18 Magic while you are there.
Hey! Nice pic there. Never expected it to be featured on someone else's blog, but I expect it less on
So, I came up with yet another submission.
Sent it out on Friday. Still no word. Not even so much as a "er, can we replace it with something else" email.
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