Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm agents, on campus Tuesday for Project Safe Neighborhoods training, detained a “suspicious individual” near the Georgia Center, University Police Chief Jimmy Williamson said.Oh, really? And which federal edict does that violate?
Jeremiah Ransom, a sophomore from Macon, was leaving a Wesley Foundation pirate vs. ninja event when he was detained....
“Seeing someone with something across the face, from a federal standpoint — that’s not right,” McLemore said, explaining why agents believed something to be amiss. [More]

The guy is on the ground cuffed. Why the hell is the BATFU thug putting his weight on a citizen's neck with his knee? If the citizen is a threat, why does the other thug have his hand in his pocket while he talks on the phone?
And why didn't Chief Williamson have them arrested for assault?
These incompetents can't tell the difference between a costume party and a crime, so naturally their first instinct is to react with violence. After all, if they don't understand something, it must be treated like a threat.
What kind of power hungry sociopath would want a career in this sick, unAmerican criminal syndicate?
[Via KABA Newslinks]
You folks out there still think you live in the land of the free? Still think you don't live in a police state? Still think everything is under control? How many illegal aliens were in the street in the last several days with nary an arrest and how many times has stuff like this happened to innocent citizens? This idiotic nation replete with cows,morons,lazy fat slobs and know-nothings is on it's way out. See you at the top.
I'm stumped. There is no explanation for what that fat, evil, and vile Traitor did to that man. An innocent man, guilty of no crime whatsoever.
He could have easily made the guy a para/quadripalegic or killed him with that move.
This government has gone beyond just being sick. It has now turned pure evil...
More and more, they are leaving us no other alternative....
He could never let me go. You figure out why.
I can't believe everyone failed to understand what the BATF were doing.
More important then then the innocent student having his right's abused, was that these two thugs were used this to attract potentual recruits who shared a simular mentality as theirs, and got pleasure from knowing he to could hold power over others by joining the BATF and becoming one of 'The Only One's.
I wonder if they were able to get it on vedio so they could use it as a training tool to show the rookies just how much they could get away with.
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