Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We're the Only Ones Stunning (But Still on Active Duty) Enough

The judge ruled Hudec used his stun gun after the boy was strip-searched and while he was completely compliant during the Dec. 24, 2003, incident.

"It is a situation where an officer used a prohibited weapon simply to punish," said Kvill. "The action of Hudec was a shocking abuse of police powers."

Hudec, who remains on active duty, was charged following an internal police investigation.
"A shocking abuse of police powers." Good one!

I'm trying to figure out where I'll position this in the next "Only Ones" Carnival--not on the midway, definitely a sideshow, maybe we'll bill him as "The Amazing Electro"...

I've started getting some submissions, so the show will go on. If you want to participate and direct some traffic to your blog, the cut-off is tomorrow night.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's one:

Jan. 23, 2007 -- Only "most highly trained and skilled" One's having "industrial accidents" enough. SWAT member shoots another in the foot.
"One of the officers' guns fired and hit the other officer.

The officer whose gun discharged will be allowed to return to work..."

No mention of the where the offending gun is being held.

Plus, Eugene "most highly trained" has history of skilled shooting. Last Eugene "industrial accident" happened in 2001: "...a SWAT sniper mistook another SWAT officer, Sgt. Jay Shadwick, for an armed suspect and shot him in the chest."

If you use story, ID me as "Y. Can Aire"