Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mooninites Invade Boston

"This is a perfect example of our passengers taking part in Homeland Security..."
Good grief.

I guess this business of making paranoia our national pastime is working.

Why don't "the authorities" just show everyone how easy it is to cripple a major city?

If there are any of those Aqua Teen Hunger Force promo pieces left over, they'll bring a fortune on eBay...which means they'd better inventory how many have been impounded in the evidence room, assuming they all made it there...


me said...

Oh...saddened the title wasn't

the "only ones" afraid of mooninites

I can't wait to see what they do when the MOVIE comes out.

Imagine how scary they must have looked without photoshopping of the middle finger. The level of cowardice is growing daily, as is the nanny state.

God help us.

Anonymous said...

This is just about unbelieveable! When I heard the story on the radio this morning, I thought, well, they must have looked like a bomb of some type because of the reaction of the police and the talking head was beside herself with hysteria. She described the things and cylindrical, wrapped in duct tape with a circuit board and battery sticking out. When I actually saw a picture of the things, I was amazed at how well the brainwashing is working. Anybody who could believe that thing could possibly be a bomb is a pure idiot.

AlanDP said...

What I learned from this is:

Not enough people watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

If they did, they would have recognized the character and this would never have happened.

Also too many people have allowed paranoia and stupidity to overcome what should be their natural curiosity.

E. David Quammen said...

"Why don't "the authorities" just show everyone how easy it is to cripple a major city?"

Oh, but David they have. Both government and the media minions have done it quite a few times. It almost leads one to think that they do it on purpose. My guess as to why, is so that they can then do the final 'crackdown' on freedom and liberty. Which they have so long yearned for, and been inching towards "incrementally".

After having examined a hell of a lot of the facts. I don't believe myself 'paranoid' in having the above sentiment. In fact, in considerig the FACTS, the above sentiment is the only one that makes any sense. Unless, our government is indeed run by complete morons that is....

Anonymous said...

At least they didn't grab the nearest Brazilian plumber and empty a pistol into his head.