Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Return of the Unix_Jedi

De-Zumbo the NRA
A Damn Good Question

How can you not like a guy who agrees with me? The force is strong in this one!


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I've been trying to establish, specifically, in what ways Zumbo is associated with the NRA. I'm told (but haven't found a way to verify) that he writes for their Shooting Illustrated magazine, and I know he's heavily involved with their Great American Hunters Tour.

Any specifics would be appreciated. I'd like to have all my ducks in a row before I get very heavily into arguing with the NRA.


David Codrea said...

He's been involved in the hunting tour--don't know what else--you're going to need to get a copy of the magazine to see if he's a featured writer. Do a "bleg" on Armedn and Safe asking for a current copy, and I'll link to it.

You could also just call/write/email NRA and ask them:
1. Does he have any affiliation with them?
2. If so, what is it?
3. And if so, do they intend to continue their affiliation or in any way publicly comment?

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to establish, specifically, in what ways Zumbo is associated with the NRA.

Use Zumbo's own words.

"I've been an NRA member for 40 years, have attended 8 national NRA conventions in the last 10 years, and I'm an advisory board member for the United States Sportsmen's Alliance which actively fights anti-hunters and animal rights groups for hunter's rights."

Zumbo's the one who "dragged" the NRA into the discussion. (At least for me). David was kind enough to point out that, gee, look at all the political capital we're wasting, why don't we go attack this problem (as I see it, and apparently he as well) at the source?

From the article currently at the top of the page:Yesterday, anyone who didn't comment risked being lumped in with anti-gun forces. Any voices calling for reason and tolerance found themselves shouted down. And those writers professing support for Mr. Zumbo privately certainly weren't willing to go on the record with that support..

Personally, I'd like to know a lot more about those writers. (And how many of them are NRA writers/muckity-mucks, as well?)

Zumbo used the NRA as attempted cover for his attack on "Terrorist" guns. It's ground that's not unfamilar (as I linked to a lot last night. By the way, thanks a bunch for the Link!).

Jim Zumbo once asked me how many guns I owned, and I said I didn't know, but the answer was, "A lot." He said, "I've taken animals on every continents with 7 rifles."

If ~6000 people felt the need to rip Zumbo a new one, and also let the NRA know that Hunting is not what the 2nd Amendment is about... We might get rid of some of those "Fudds" at the top.

After all, why did Zumbo use the NRA as deflection for his opinion?

David Codrea said...

Not to mention NRA director Nugent as his minesweeper.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

OK--thanks Unix-Jedi (and David). Those are good points.

I still like my idea of Zumbo going on a hunt not with Nugent, but with Dick Cheney after a few beers.