Monday, April 30, 2007

The Letter The New York Times Didn't (Wouldn't) Print

E-mailed on April 22:
I must admit I am frustrated with the way "Shooting Rekindles Issues of Gun Rights and Restrictions" (April 18) omitted a key issue in the Virginia Tech debate. I consented to speak with reporter Leslie Eaton to discuss my email to The Times asking why coverage from all major newspapers and television networks ignored the school's "No Guns" policy. Additionally, past press statements by Associate VP of University Relations Larry Hincker, ridiculing reasoned pleas to allow lawful concealed carry and lauding the death of a bill that would have rectified this, need to be examined in light of the total failure of authorities to protect students and faculty forbidden from protecting themselves.

That none of this made it into your report is disappointing, but not surprising, considering this paper's historic opposition to citizens bearing arms. Still, I don't see how The Times can consider its obligation to its readers complete by suppressing this important information from public scrutiny and discussion.

David Codrea
Redondo Beach, CA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I notice a similar problem with my letters to the Chicago Tribune. I have yet to get one published. I'm not trying to put anyone down, but I notice they tend to print letters from the less articulate pro gun people but not so many from the articulate ones.

I had no problem getting my letter to the Sun Times published.