Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Snuff Poster

Sorry, couldn't resist.

And yeah, I know turning someone in to the feds is not conducive to "freedom." I'd have titled this "Heh," to indicate it's a joke, but I never was very trendy.

Still, if you don't want to get hit in the teeth with a stool, it's a pretty good idea not to start bar fights.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Now that's a smile!

Anonymous said...

Of course, Pflegrantfoul is incredibly stupid for inciting the crowd to "snuff out" John Riggo. After all, John has access to and experience with firearms, while I'll bet Pflegrantfoul's gun-grabbing cohorts don't!

me said...

no, but {sarcasm}guns are so easy a child can use them {/sarcasm} Surely his juvenile and emotion driven backers (assuming they're not all inner city gangbangers) could manage to take care of him.

Hell, maybe some of the guns he "bought back" managed to make it into the hands of some who would be WILLING to snuff someone out, if only to make their line of work safer. After all, once you publicly call for murder can we not assume what else you might do?

Kent McManigal said...

I doubt the IRS would want to do anything to him, after all, he is doing their work. Leaving him "tax exempt" is the same as paying him to preach the government line that "guns are icky". If he were preaching that self defense in spite of government edicts were the Christian thing to do, well... that would be looked into quickly.