Friday, June 08, 2007

Mommy Dearest

I had my video camera with me and at this time, and notified one of the organizers “Laura” that I intended to film the meeting. This is when the nasty, rude, and spiteful nature of this woman became apparent. She hissed at me “You will not film this meeting. We won’t allow it so please keep your camera turned off”. She repeated the statement a few more times perhaps thinking that I have a difficulty grasping our native language. She then turned from me and walked away, then hesitated, turned around and addressed all of us as a group saying “And don’t touch any of the food either, this table (pointing to the food and drink table) is not for you”.

Lovely. If my Mom was ever like this, I'd have asked Dad to get her on meds. To think there are a million of these creatures...but thank goodness we know their numbers aren't anywhere near that.

Naked Shoplifter give us the prequel to The Million Mom Show. And that one guest stars Judas, too!

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