Friday, June 08, 2007

Hide or Seek?

As reporters we pay attention to context and we are limited in time and space. Jim had 70 lines to write his story. I have 24 hours in my day.
Manya Brachear, aka The Seeker ("on a quest for Truth--with a capital T"), comes up with some excuses on why The Chicago Tribune didn't think a priest inciting a mob to "snuff out" a gun store owner was newsworthy enough to even mention.

Other readers of the blog have raised an interesting issue about the church's involvement in political activism. It certainly doesn't take place only at St. Sabina. Certainly fodder for another discussion in weeks to come.

Thing about news, Manya, and being an "authorized journalist" one would think you'd know this, is that it's considered news because it's timely, hence the disinterest exemplified in the old saying "yesterday's news." The time to discuss this is not "in weeks to come"--it is now.

You've already laid the groundwork for the "Billy's mom let's him do it" excuse, but I think I've presented enough evidence to show those getting a pass on this are cut from the same cloth as Snuffy Pfleger. Funny, how when more traditional evangelicals open their yaps, the political left suddenly gets all indignant and watchdoggy and everything.

So you have no intention of reporting on the St Sabina/tax abuse angle, do you, "Truth" Seeker? You probably don't get enough lines, and besides, there are only 24 hours in your day.

Feel free to add comments to the article this post's title links to--but be careful and "keep the comments here civilized, reasoned and polite. If the discussion devolves into name calling, comments will be closed."

See, if the truth hurts, we'd rather hide than seek.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

We'll see if my comments get posted. I had to respond to "The Seeker's" statement:

In fact, when I spoke to Jim Kimberly, who alerted me to people's concerns last week after he covered the rally last week, he said Pfleger's words were not the most outrageous remarks that day.

If a priest calling for the "snuffing out" of someone he disapproves was "not the most outrageous" of the remarks, I have to wonder what were the most outrageous.

Anonymous said...

LOL - she's censored me, that's for sure.

I pointed out that, if you took the exact same wording, and dropped it into a situation of a Baptist minister standing in front of an abortion clinic calling for the snuffing out of the doctor who ran the clinic.....

yeah, the Trib would _still_ be howling about it. Probably have SWAT visiting that church, too.

Free speech is great stuff until the stunning hypocrisy of the left becomes blindingly obvious. Can't have that.