Friday, June 08, 2007

We're the Only Ones Crotchety Enough

Annapolis police raided the wrong apartment Wednesday night, using flash grenades and kicking a resident in the groin before they realized their mistake, police and the family said.

And the place they wanted to raid was empty.

Since when did they start teaching kicking someone in the nads at the Academy?

My favorite line: "We don't know how the mistake was made..."

Yeah, it would appear "Only One" intelligence certainly was lacking. And "confidential information," too.

I also love how the mouthpiece says "the incident was regrettable." Somehow, it's rare that the perpetrators are the ones with the real regrets, because even if the department is sued, the settlement will come from the population being terrorized.

[Via TH and Cryptic Subterranean]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did they "flashbang" the empty apartment?