Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Prying Open Cold Dead Hands

Laura Washington seems to think it's just a saying.

You'll never dominate the Internet, Laura--only the elitist media sites and programs that employ evil airheads like yourself. SayUncle does a good job of explaining why.

I couldn't help but notice the last time you mobilized all your mothers, it was a bust. I also can't help but notice that it's this same crop of women you turn to for salvation who are producing and enabling the fatherless, feral and unrestrained young worthies who are causing the bulk of the problems.

But we don't want to talk about that.

Still, I am curious about one thing, Laura: How many sets of dead hands will be enough for you?

[Via Bruce M]


Anonymous said...

She doesn't know we don't live in a democracy. Who cares what the "majority" want?

Anonymous said...

She says that "70% of St. Sabina's congregation is female."

That explains a WHOLE lot.

And that statistic that states that 13% of the population is black, while 49% of murder victims are black, is incomplete, if not downright misleading.

Young black males ages 13-49 are less than 4% of the US population.

Black murder victims murdered by black males in that 4% category are about 98%.

So, about 47% of murder victims in this country are murdered by a demographic comprising 4% of the population, and all are members of the same race.

So, why doesn't signing pieces of paper fix this problem?

Kent McManigal said...

Ms. Washington is just a mass-murder cheerleader like the rest of her "progressives".

Anonymous said...

The gun army, made up almost exclusively of white men from suburban and rural areas...

That line right there should tell you who we're dealing with. We can trace our gun epidemic back to those evil white males - those un-edumacated whities in the burbs and the racist rednecks on the farm...

Anonymous said...

You mean "non-progressive", don't you?

Anonymous said...

What exactly is an "African American Church"? Do they not allow whitey?

Anonymous said...

Well, some of us have had a somewhat interesting reaction to her words, namely the "People of the Gun" bit...: . Who knows? It might catch on...