Some years back, the Champaign County Rifle Association resurrected the idea, and began placing pro-gun signs along the side of the road--an effort that has delighted many of us, and enraged some of the antis to the point of vandalism.
I've been toying with the idea of posting "virtual Burma-Shave signs" alongside the "information superhighway," and the following is one potential way to do it. I'm sure many of you are not only better poets than I'll ever be, but it won't take much to slap me silly at graphics presentation--so if anyone wants to take this idea and run with it, I think it'd be great to see all the different creative approaches--let me know yours and I'll link to it--matter of fact, if enough want to play, next Monday I can do a "Burma-Shave RKBA Carnival," maybe even come up with some sort of nominal prize for the winner. At the very least, I have a spare, never-been-worn Red's cap.
Now after all this build-up watch the slideshow not work.
That's pretty good. Can I embed it on my blog?
I wish I was that creative.
You bet--all the code is at the links in the graphic. Why not try creating and embedding your own? Shoot, if I can do it, from what I've seen, you have ten times the computer savvy I do.
Thanks for the complement but the fact is, I may have the technical ability but not the artistic ability.
Where did you get all the blank billboard pix?
They weren't blank. I copied billboards off the internet and just pasted over them.
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