Monday, October 01, 2007

See How Well Not Having Guns Worked For Me?

The right to have and carry guns for protection is what gives the criminalized gun carrier the right to have and use his to kill innocent people.

The title "innocent gun" is inane. No gun is innocent until is melted down to liquid metal and used for the good of mankind. The innocent gun makes criminals by giving the coward the nerve to act.

I was in retail for six years. During this time I had five employees killed by "innocent guns." I had more robberies in this time, but no guns were involved. One of my men was hit with a tire iron. He laughed about it later.

Yeah. Tire irons. Ha ha.

And nobody's thought about suing this incompetent for knowingly and continuously putting his employees in harm's way, with the reasonable expectation that more would suffer fatal ends because nothing was done to protect them?

I think the guy's story stinks and I don't believe a word of it. If it is true, and if I were a surviving family member of one of those employees, I'd be issuing subpoenas and taking depositions to find out exactly what was and was not disclosed to my dead loved one prior to their accepting the job, and what training and safety precautions were afforded them afterward, with the express purpose of establishing, at minimum, a financial liability for Mr. Thomas G. Sykes, if not charges of criminal negligence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cowardly sonofabitch is just like all the rest of them. He hires his killing and his dying done and then claims moral superiority because he avoided it.

He also avoided his responsibilities as a man. He is a murder enabler. Yet, he claims moral high ground? Yeah, right.

It is he who should be melted down for the good of mankind.