Saturday, November 03, 2007

'Nuff Said

Any questions?

[Via "MACpistol" at KABA Newslinks]


the pistolero said...

Yeah, I have a question: Why doesn't Wayne LaPierre call him out on that?

Kent McManigal said...

I have a question, too. Why would anyone, ever consider voting for any of the anti-gun Demopublicans? Either vote Libertarian or vote for Ron Paul. Anything else is worse than "wasting your vote", it is voting for the enemy.

Anonymous said...

because Wayne views a win by an anti-second amendment candidate as a win for the NRA. They get to keep the problem while bemoaning the problem while begging for more money to fight the problem at those dinners with "important" people they get invited to.

Imagine the money Wayne could raise when gunowners are declared mentally ill and thus would run afoul of HR 2640, claiming they never foresaw such an outcome when they were lobbying for its passage.

Answer your question,pistolero?

Anonymous said...

Gentlemen, its called "dialectics", which is more properly termed "Hegelian dialectics" which is the so-called "science" of opposition and synthesis.

As it is used here, it is the generation (false) of controversy to achieve an end that the people themselves would never agree to if they understood the goal.

The challenge that ought to be given to Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the NRA leadership is to put their money where their mouth is. The only way they can prove that they really are about supporting the Second Amendment is to serve in the NRA for free. If they will defend the Second Amendment without pay, and without reimbursement for incidental expenses (gas, copies and time) and give their speeches for free, then I will believe that they are somewhat serious about defending the Second Amendment. Otherwise, I will continue to view them as traitors and turncoats, or worse yet, false operatives who actually work for the destruction of our liberties.

I would like to see Wayne LaPierre have a year like I have had, and I wasn't the one the government was gunning for. It has been expensive, time-consuming, sleep-depriving, and my boss was very unhappy with me. The only way it could have been worse would to have been in Wayne Fincher's position; at least I'm not (yet) in jail. Of course, we do know how much money Wayne Fincher had to pay for his defense in our robber baron legal system.

The bright spot is that I have met some people that will sacrifice and put their money where their mouth is -- particularly when they understand the need.

I think it's about time someone called these jerks to the carpet.

I make no comment about Rudy as he is no better then either of the Arkansas hucksters, whether it is the one that was, or the wannabe.

Anonymous said...

I need to correct the order of statements in my previous post.

"The bright spot is that I have met some people that will sacrifice and put their money where their mouth is -- particularly when they understand the need.

I think it's about time someone called these jerks to the carpet."

Should be:

"I think it's about time someone called these jerks to the carpet.

The bright spot is that I have met some people that will sacrifice and put their money where their mouth is -- particularly when they understand the need.

I didn't quite catch it on the preview. My apologies to anyone who might take it incorrectly.

The jerks are the NRA leadership, not the good folks who have supported Wayne Fincher in his fight for the Second Amendment.

Anonymous said...

I'll expose a lack of knowledge here. In response to "Any questions?" I'll ask, who's in the photo? I'm not really good at recognizing people. thx.

David Codrea said...

Michael G--that's probably because Rudy Giuliani still had hair in that picture.