Saturday, November 03, 2007

Magnificent Obsession

He asked the jury to consider whether Couchman was a collector or had an "unhealthy obsession with guns and was interested in their use".
There ya go, you gun lovers are just a bunch of sicko hoplophiliacs.

Maybe we can get that added to the list of qualifying mental disorders that will be reported as disqualifiers on the McCarthy/LaPierre NICS Funding Expansion bill...


Kent McManigal said...

In most "progressive" minds the enjoyment of guns qualifies as a mental illness. That is why I never support denying guns to the mentally ill. Look who gets to decide what constitutes an illness.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Democrat "debate" on Youtube, Kent? Senator Biden had the gall to say that the gun owner who asked a question about his "baby" needed "help", and the smug SOB got a rousing round of applause from the sheeple for it!

Anonymous said...

David, your last sentence is more accurate prophecy than accurate sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, the more they press, the more I love my guns and the more I buy.

Anonymous said...

Others here are right on point I think.

The classification of gun owners as mentally ill has officially begun in earnest.

Slip ups, letting the public know the end game have largely gone unreported and unnoticed. In the mean time the rhetoric is being fashioned, the bills being written, and the noose is tightening on us all.........