Tuesday, December 04, 2007

We're the Only Ones 'Splish Splash We Were Tasing in the Bath' Enough

Police forced entry into Williams home while responding to a shooting, but it turned out to be a false call. They had no idea at the time the call wasn't real and that Williams is hearing impaired. Without his hearing aid he is basically deaf.

"I kept going to my ear yelling that I was scared. I can't hear! I can't hear!"

Officers were worried about their own safety because at the time it appeared Williams was refusing to obey their commands to show his hands. That's when they shot him with a Taser.
You know what we need to stop this kind of dangerous outrage once and for all? Anonymous tip lines!

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]


Hyunchback said...

Why do we continue to allow police to abuse the public like this?

No matter how talented a doctor is, no matter how skilled, if he performed his surgery on the wrong patient he would have to pay. Not tax payers. HE would have to pay.

No one is going to sanction a doctor to operate on people based upon anonymous tip lines. "My neighbor has appendicitis. You had better cut his appendix out!"

If we wouldn't allow a doctor to do this why do we allow less competent civil servants carry out deadly force raids like this?

Anonymous said...

According to my informant, a local reserve deputy sheriff, police trainees at the state police academy are specifically taught that "failure to instantly obey commands is the first step of pre-assault behavior."

The Only Ones are being taught that if we serfs do not instantly submit, we are going to attack them. This is the mindset behind the continuing plague of taserings for the perceived crime of contempt of cop.

God help me if I ever develop diabetic hypoglycemia while driving.

Kent McManigal said...

Cops are being taught it is "Them vs. Us". That is becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Here is a personal experience of mine that illustrates this: My blog

Anonymous said...

very simply put, it is not because of training or notions of "pre-assault" it is because of cowardice and cruelty in most cops today. The training came as a response to this cruel cowardice in order to establish, at trial, a policy that exonerates these cowards and sadists.

"Policy" has somehow become a magic word, and many a criminal cop didn't go to jail, didn't get fired, and didn't suffer any consequences because somebody from the police department could testify that his actions were well within policy and training guidelines.

Lost in all this is the fact that what was done was illegal, cruel, and unnecessary in almost all cases such as this.

me said...

problem. reaction. solution.

Cops break into houses or deal with people like this who can't "follow orders" due to whatever disability they may have.

unnecessary force is used.

government databases keeping track of God knows what, everything and then some I'd bet, to "protect" people.

It's almost like this is being done on purpose.

Anonymous said...

Shoot them!

For crying out loud...ever..single..day we hear about this crap.

If I ever decide to start carrying, it will be in response to all the reports I hear about police brutality.



Anonymous said...

"Officers were worried about their own safety because at the time it appeared Williams was refusing to obey their commands to show his hands. That's when they shot him with a Taser."

Wasn't he holding a towel around his privates when he was tased? Looks to me like they thought he was packin something other than his johnson. Or maybe they just wanted him to drop the towel so they could have a closer look.

Just the kind of guys I would want "watching over" my teenage sons.

Freaking sadistic pervs...

Sean said...

All these little things, all these trampling of rights and dignity, will not pass without comeuppance. It may be delayed, but it will come. Just like when the gov't ignored all the warning signs and didn't act with wisdom before 911, the bill will be paid in blood. I watch and listen to all the self-righteous and arrogant buttheads and I almost laugh. It will be a day of days indeed.

Anonymous said...

If justice were to happen these sadistic bastards could never go home again, could not show up for work and would forever be on the run until caught and dealt with.

And that is exactly what we will see start to happen. Fear is tiring and once fear in the populace has reached its exhaustion level predators such as these cops will become prey. Nobody can emotionally support never-ending fear and that is what law enforcement is now using against the very people they are supposed to serve. When the energy required for fear is used up, the energy of anger just gets its start.