Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Heller Respondent's Brief

Today, attorneys challenging Washington, D.C’s 31-year-old gun prohibition laws filed their written arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court. Washington, D.C. bans the possession of handguns outright, and further forbids rifles and shotguns from ever being operable in private homes for use in self-defense.
They include a link to the .pdf file of the brief.

I do wish they'd mentioned William Rawle, as well as the Preamble to the Bill of Rights, especially with all the focus they put on the Second Amendment's and statutory preambles.

[Via TomZ]


SamenoKami said...

Isn't Bush's comment about the same as what the anti's said about FLA.'s right-to-carry law. Gunfight at the OK corral. Murder and mayhem everywhere. Death and destruction. And none of it happened. I think they don't want guns in DC because if they 'allow' them and crime goes down they have a more difficult lie to come up with. Plus they need a running start if/when we revolt.I'm so glad Bush is my Freedom First prez. I'd hate to see his policies if he were a commie-lib.

Sean said...

I have this heightened sense of things, and a kind of nervousness. I remember getting it just before going into combat.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap that's sexy. Seriously, I want it to have its babies.

David Codrea said...

Wait 'til you see what Academics for 2A put out, tomare--you'll want to put on the black leather corset and hook the wicker basket up to the ceiling beam.

me said...

I'm not on board with all of it. Overall, as a first step, assuming another case can get brought up, say Fincher maybe, within 70 years it might be OK. Don't know why the incorporation issue, as Kurt pointed out back around the beginning of January, didn't make it in. It doesn't make sense that states wouldn't sign onto the constitution without it if it didn't apply to the states.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the good guys come up with.

Anonymous said...

Wait till you see the AHSA brief we will file on Monday.