Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well, We Knew it Was Only a Matter of Time...

...before this shameless scavenger showed up.

Right, Jesse. An "assault weapon ban" would have stopped this thug, who was illegally carrying and using a firearm, from executing women forbidden by law from doing the same.


Thirdpower said...

Maybe Jesse should go after the "Stop Snitchin'" people.

Anonymous said...

Anytime a counter protest is scheduled with one of these farcical dog and pony shows our side should only need to chant two words (much like the "Yes we can/Si se puede" crowd)......

Jeanne Assam, Jeanne Assam!

Sean said...

Maybe he could ask O.J. who hacked those two people to death? I mean, somebody knows who did it, right? I wonder how it feels for him to lie down to sleep at night, knowing he has betrayed his own people, and sold them out repeatedly, for his own profit? I guess all that dough and power and mistresses and such fun takes the sting out of it.