Saturday, February 02, 2008

We're the Only Ones Stripping You Enough

Hope Steffey's night began with a call to police for help. It ended with her face down, completely naked and sobbing on a jail cell floor.
Yeah, we'll be calling the Stark County Sheriff's Office for help real soon. Still, I guess she's lucky she didn't call the Canton PD...

Be sure and watch the accompanying video.

"The Only Ones" truly do view citizens as property. What also gets me is their continual inability not only at defusing emotional situations, but the way they guarantee escalation by pouring fuel on the flames.

People do not need this kind of "protection." We have a right to protect ourselves against it.



Kent McManigal said...

I saw this on another blog yesterday. It makes me reconsider my stance against the death penalty. There is no justice too harsh for those enforcers.

John R said...

That was horrific. The laughter in the background as the video ends shows how much they enjoyed this.

Each and every one of those goblins in uniform need to spend a good deal of time in the general population of a maximum security prison, and this video needs to be played for the other inmates.

That might result in some justice.

Anonymous said...

For all the only ones whose position is that they are just doing their jobs, as God is my witness, the day this happens to a member of my family is the day the blood letting begins.

Stan said...

That does get the blood boiling. I think a special election for sheriff would be a good idea, accompanied by the arrests of several deputies and the impeachment of the current sheriff.

Anonymous said...

And I thought only corrupt small Southern towns need to be wiped clean.

Some of the folks in McMinn County had a solution at one time.

The Battle of Athens

Kent McManigal said...

One town I used to live in had a solution, too. I was told that in years past, when the local cops got too uppity, the upstanding citizens would catch them in a back alley and bring them down a few notches. The stupid buggers would forget after a while and need to have the lesson repeated occasionally. Too bad that practice has been allowed to lapse. Maybe cases like this would be rare if we still exercised authority over the public serpents with badges.

Anonymous said...

I could not get the link to actually run. But this one is probably playing the same video:

- Glen