Sunday, March 30, 2008

"A Bad Precedent"

The act of a governmental entity banning commercial sales of legal firearms, such as my .50 caliber rifle, not only violates the basic principles of the United States Constitution, but also puts national security at risk by ending the delicate balance between the government and the private sector. Furthermore, it sets a precedent that endangers the future of other vital defense contractors.
Ronnie Barrett tells it like it is and issues a warning.

Compare this bold and self-assured man with timid corporate hacks.

Bravo, Mr. Barrett! How refreshing it is to find a businessman who acts like a citizen is supposed to.

May the rest of the firearms industry notice your example and follow suit.


Anonymous said...

To you Mr. Barrett, As an average middle class flag waving American. I salute you and your bravery for standing tall and not letting the all mighty dollar obscure your passion and love for your country. For what its worth should you ever decide to put your awsome rifle on sale, I will support you and your business and buy one!

Anonymous said...

Ronnie Barrett has balls, big brass ones! Call the company and give them an attaboy. J.B.

Anonymous said...

He has already done that to Ca.

A good man, true to his principles.

He sure stands out, doesn't he?