Sunday, March 09, 2008

Morning Equation

Slept in + 2 ft. of snow + 100 ft. driveway = Late start.

Dissatisfied customers should form a refund line at the service window.


Kent McManigal said...

Your equation is missing a part (+ government mandated time change)

David Codrea said...

Y'know, I was completely oblivious to that until you mentioned it--my computer updates automatically, and I just this minute noticed my watch is running an hour earlier.

Well, good--looks like I won't have to milk the chickens in the dark any more.

Anonymous said...

Depends on when you milk the chickens!

That'll teach you to move to Ohio!


Kent McManigal said...

I love chickens, but chickens are stupid. They go to roost when it is still light, and then get up when it is in the middle of the night (to me, anyway) and they hafta stand around because it is too dark to see. I'll never base my schedule on the schedule of chickens! I get up by noon or so without any help.

Anonymous said...

I have got to kill my blind rooster. There is no telling when he will start crowing the arrival of morning.