Sunday, May 11, 2008

"At This Stage..."

On licensing and registering guns, Helmke says, they are "being realistic" in recognizing "there's no support for pushing that forward at this stage."
And if you think they want more than "common sense gun control," you're paranoid.

[Via JPR9]


Anonymous said...

One needn't be paranoid to recognize " this stage." for the future tyranny it connotes.

Anonymous said...

Helmke means "What we want is ... ahem, what would seal acceptance of universal gun control, of course, is ... simultaneous multiple mass murders across the entire United States, preferably of lots of children and old people. We haven't been quite able to reach the Dunblane or Port Arthur level of performance ... er, I mean... the average person just doesn't see the POTENTIAL threat. Virginia Tech was almost good en- -- aw, dammit -- horrendous enough. Picture Tech at Harvard and Yale -- no, wait, they're our friends."