Monday, September 01, 2008

The Ol' One-Two

A left...

and a right...

Will anything land?

The opposition is going for a knock-u...uh...out. And the left is showing savage animal attack instincts that ought to make every thinking person glad to have a gun--it's truly not hard to imagine a "Killing Fields" scenario if hate-consumed Daily Kos lunatics ever gain real power.

It's pretty bad when even the Huff-Po is distancing itself.

On the ever present other hand: Without any evidence other than gut feel, so perhaps it's irresponsible of me to bring this up, if the MCain camp truly knew in advance, why did they think it would be smart to not disclose things at the time of their VP pick announcement? I can't imagine a more politically disadvantageous time to reveal a fire than after all that smoke has been generated.

[Rockwell link via Zachary G]


opaww said...

I think it is just fear mongering by the left, showing that they are afraid that they may of just lost the election

Anonymous said...

if the MCain camp truly knew in advance, why did they think it would be smart to not disclose things at the time of their VP pick announcement?

because they knew the leftish freaks would come out of the woodwork? the pro-mccain/palin or anti-obama ads that can come out of this whole situation are many and hard-hitting, i think.

i blame karl rove, that magnificent bastard!

seriously, this is going to turn out badly for the leftish freaks, they know it, and they feel that brown and smelly running down their legs (read through their threads). and yes, they ARE blaming it all on karl rove.

i guess we'll see how things actually turn out.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the author. It is an accurate reflection of the liberals, progressives, Obama and the Democrat Party.

The rest of what he said seemed reasonable, but I do take exception to his attempted whitewash of what is SOP for the aforementioned groups.

Anonymous said...

DailyKOS is also trying to dig up evidence that Sarah Palin was a member of the "radical" Alaskan Independence Party. The party claims she was a member before becoming mayor. She also addressed their 2008 convention in a video.

See here:

Oh no!!!

The Alaska Independence Party presented a "radical" resolution to secede from the United States if, among other things "any federal order attempts to make it unlawful for individual Americans to own firearms or to confiscate firearms."

AntiCitizenOne said...

"imagine a "Killing Fields" scenario if hate-consumed Daily Kos lunatics ever gain real power."

well...on the bright side...(somewhat)



Unknown said...

I feel bad for the daughter. just when you think at 17 life can't be any more embarrassing, and stressful. you turn on CNN to see the whole world now knows your pregnant... DOH!!!

Anonymous said...

All of this is a distraction from the Tweedledum and Tweedledee main
attractions. No matter how appalling the Democrats etc. are, that's not evidence that McCain is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure.

"I have chosen Sarah Palin for my VP. She has a pregnant daughter."

What an announcement.

Come on. There's just so much anyone can say in a political speech.

Although, the more the Kosbots dig, the deeper the hole they are in.

Phillep Harding

John Hardin said...

The DailyKos link has apparently disappeared into the memory hole...

Anybody get a screen capture or download of it?

David Codrea said...

JH--see my current post at top of page.