Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fear and Loathing — Not Hope and Change

Well, that’s nice that Barack Obama’s not going to take Biden’s Beretta shotguns — not that Biden would ever need them, with that armed security detail provided to him by the American taxpayers — but what about my Springfield Armory M1911A1 pistol, or the DPMS AR-type semi-automatic rifle I’d like to have?
Erik Onstott nails it. He also gives us another kind of hope for change. There are some real journalists out there (as opposed to the hollow frauds), ones who are interested in the truth and knowledgeable about what they write. When we find them, let's encourage their publishers and broadcasters to give us more.


Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed! Nail it he did! Especially the part about a politician not trusting a citizen with a firearm. I have said before that a politician who doesn't trust me with my firearm, doesn't trust me at all, and wants to rule over ever aspect of my life, often against my will. He also wondred that if Obama and Biden are willing to throw the 2A under the bus, what other parts of the Bill of Rights are they willing to destroy? I can answer that, as Obama has already threatened media outlets who aired the NRA ads against him with legal action, and pulling their FCC licenses. He has begun attacking the 1A.

Anonymous said...

I'll take it a little further. Let's say that Obama really follows through on his pledge not to take anyone's guns. If he still signs a new semi-auto ban into law, maybe he hasn't taken your gun or mine - but he has denied the next generation of American citizens the right to own the semi-automatic firearms of their choice. We would have to start stockpiling weapons now just to give our sons and daughters some decent but legal firepower when they come of age so that they'll be armed and ready if the worst should happen.

Doesn't the preamble of the Constitution mention securing our liberty's blessings "to ourselves AND to our posterity?" There's no room for a "me first, then screw you" mindset when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms.

Anonymous said...

Liars and theives they may be, but you can't say the Dems don't learn from their mistakes. The '94 AWB was instrumental in costing them the House and Senate in '96. If we find ourselves with a solid Dem president and congress I suspect they will move slowly to prevent a repeat of the Clinton years. OHB will not immediately introduce anti gun legislation. Instead he will quietly support others already marked with that brush while he carefully manuevers to replace one or more conservative justices. Not until they reinvent SCOTUS as a liberal bastion will they attempt open attacks such as a new AWB or to overturn Heller.

Sean said...

Uncle Lar, I think you are wrong. These people always overeach. They can't help themselves. That's why the first AWB. They have two monstrosities in Congress(spit)now, and both are right-killers.Haven't you been reading the news? Pelosi is already on record talking about getting Congress(spit) BACK in session before the end of the year to be ready to put forth more bile even before Hussein gets sworn in. They're readying a plan to soft-socialize the country on a massive feel good basis the minute that jackasses' hand is on a pen in the WH. ACORN is in position to put him there with a massive fraud at the polls. Hello South Africa.

Anonymous said...

David and the rest of y'all:
Thanks for the kind words. I know all about Obama's lawyers strong-arming the TV stations into not running the NRA ads, but unfortunately I didn't have quite enough room to get into that. I was pushing it as things were; my boss was asking me if I could cut it a little shorter and still retain the message. But that was just an observation, not a justification — that little bit of chicanery on Obama's part is arguably just as frightening as his record on guns.
As for the Dems learning from their mistakes — if that's true (and really, I wish it was) why is it that so many of them have been pushing for the renewal and strengthening of the AWB since it failed to get renewed? I think Sean was right. They just can't help themselves. Disarmament, wealth redistribution, and other nanny-state reindeer games are just what they do. It's at the very core of their beings.