Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We're the Only Ones Culling Enough

Delaware State Police stopped Alvina Vansickle from purchasing a .22-caliber pistol for self-defense because she was too old and a woman, said Superintendent Col. Thomas MacLeish.
Perhaps someone should take away Col. MacLeish's gun because he's too presumptuous and stupid?

Yes, they in fact should:
The outrage that followed led to the revelation that Delaware State Police had been keeping lists of gun buyers for years; state law requires them to destroy these records after 60 days.
Sounds to me like "Only One" Tom--and anyone who helped him break the law--belongs behind bars. And is that an SS uniform he's wearing in the sidebar picture?

Weren't they also instrumental in helping the state weed out group-based undesirables?

[Via An Illinois Voter and Michael S]


Anonymous said...

Thompson said. "Under statute, the Delaware State Police are required to destroy any purchase records that involve approvals. Now they're maintaining lists of gun owners, which we think is inappropriate. We did not create this system to allow this to happen."

None of these "reasonable laws" folks, including the NRA, seem to ever understand the UNINTENDED consequences. Sadly, these consequences are automatic and very predictable.

When someone is given power over the lives and property of others, there WILL be abuses - ongoing and increasing, guaranteed.

The answer is NOT to ratchet up the control freaks to attempt preventing it, but to eliminate control by others and return responsibility to the individual.

The absolute right of self defense belongs to each and every human being, right along with the responsibility to do no aggression. There must be no exceptions.

Unknown said...

Being in IT, I find the statement "state law requires them to destroy these records after 60 days." hard to swallow due to the fact that the list is kept in a database. Databases are backed up, either to disk or tape (or both). I have yet to see anything that states that the database is not to backed up, or even replicated, and if it is to be backed up the backups are to be erased/destroyed after so long.

I apply this statement to all of the "lists" (state/local/federal).

Kent McManigal said...

Someone needs to shorten that rabid dog's (Mc)Leash.

Anonymous said...

Can't send a message more clearly than that. cycjec

Unknown said...

I see a lawsuit based on age and sex discrimination.

Anonymous said...

That's rather strange Mercurysys, I see redcoats marching to disarm Americans

Anonymous said...

isn't it destruction of evidence to purge the database AFTER being caught breaking the law?

W W Woodward said...

The trend in government as well as private enterprise is, "I do it because I say I can." After all, laws and statutes designed to control human behavior are for other people to observe. And, as long as I get away with it, it's okay. If I get caught, I can always plead ignorance and ask forgiveness.