Barack, and his killer angels, cometh.
Get ready to face them.
Mike Vanderboegh steels us to face the coming darkness.
[The Temptation of St. Anthony by Martin Schöngauer c. 1480-90. Engraving. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ]
Notes from the Resistance...
Barack, and his killer angels, cometh.
Get ready to face them.
And they had better be ready to face me.
No sympathy for tyrants and their useful idiots. None.
I heard two reasonably intelligent people talking. One was a conservative, the other a liberal. They seemed agreed that Obama will win. The conservative said "The pendulum always swings the other way eventually." The liberal agreed with that.
Left boot, right boot. Makes no difference when it's on your face.
Jay Leno had more typical American young people on his "Jaywalking" segment.
"Who you voting for?"
"He has a well-known slogan. Do you know what it is?"
Another person:
"What are the three branches of our government?"
"Uh, Parliament and..."
"And where does parliament meet?"
"Uh, the House of Representatives? D'oh!"
"The House of LORDS."
Maybe they're both right.
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