Saturday, October 25, 2008

Zealous Guardians of the Second Amendment

To begin with, there are Second Amendment rights, and as a federal law enforcement agency, we'll zealously guard those rights.
That zealous guardian would be Maximum Mike of BATFU, of course, winner of the coveted WarOnGuns Pinnochio Award.


Kent McManigal said...

The "man" has no morals whatsoever. Who could trust him?

Anonymous said...

From the article:

"It's like that proverbial needle in the haystack trying to identify those few folks who put them into commerce illegally...

Yes, and it may include those charged with preventing this from happening--unintentionally, I hope.

But who cares? How about the guy whose shooting someone in the face for no particular reason? Who really cares whether or not that fellow bought it from under-the-kitchen-table?