Sunday, December 28, 2008

What's "Legit" About This?

Lawyer claims Plaxico Burress's seized guns are legit [More]
Via Mack H, who asks:
What in the world is the Probable Cause for the search warrant?

Why did it take 3 hours??

Why was a NY prosecutor there inside a NJ home???

What the FREAK is going on here?
How an incident like this can trigger an investigation in another state is a mystery to me. All I can think of is, he must have opened his mouth in interrogation, and what he spilled got passed on to his home state.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

It sounds like the NY prosecutor wanted the jeans Plaxico was wearing when he shot himself (for evidence), and had to get a search warrant because he wouldn't surrender them voluntarily. They would have gotten a warrant to search his home, and since Plaxico's home is in NJ, NJ allowed NY to conduct the search under "supervision." It's pretty normal for a case where someone is charged in one state but lives in another.

I would also bet the warrant was for "any firearms" so they could seize all his guns as "possible evidence."

What's worrying (as far as hurting his case, which will probably hurt us all) is the fact that they are saying they can't match the guns found to his licenses. Isn't NJ one of those states where you have to get a license for each specific gun you own, and the license is matched to each serial number? He's probably going to face charges in NJ, now, on top of the NY charges.

Anonymous said...

Real simple for the rest of the players in the NfL. Refuse to be drafted by any state that has laws against their Constitutional rights. Make it know to the NFL ahead of the draft that they will sue if a state that has gun laws that disarm the citizens. Make darn well known that any team that drafts a player from a nut case state that has no respect for the United States Constitution. That team lost a draft vote and will have a lawsuit to deal with.
The players union should step up the the plate for this player and let the fans know that they will not be having any more games to watch if they don't vote in some folks that respect the Constitution and repeal such unjust laws.
Of course its never going to happen but one day the iron fist of our parasite government will make many wish they had done more.

Anonymous said...

Why are they arresting and detaining his guns? Wouldn't a more appropriate course of action be to sentence Burress to a mandatory pistol safety class, and require he purchase an appropriate holster for his carry weapons?

This whole thing is outrageously overblown. No one has a molecule of evidence that Burress had any malicious intent. To pursue this "investigation" any further will only yield facts about the case that are either of lesser importance or entirely irrelevant.

The hidden liability of "gun law" is that it consumes mounds of taxpayer money in the form of hours of labor spent chasing Laurel and Hardy, when Bonnie and Clyde are still at large.

Anonymous said...

NJ is not likely to return any gun seized at any time for any reason. Yes, you need a separate permit for every handgun purchase, and that is NOT a permit to carry, hell you even need a foid to get a bb gun.

Anonymous said...

It would help if The Smoking Gun had the search warrant affidavit on their web site.

As it is, they do have the criminal complaint.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is outrageously overblown. No one has a molecule of evidence that Burress had any malicious intent. To pursue this "investigation" any further will only yield facts about the case that are either of lesser importance or entirely irrelevant.

The hidden liability of "gun law" is that it consumes mounds of taxpayer money in the form of hours of labor spent chasing Laurel and Hardy, when Bonnie and Clyde are still at large.

With respect, you may be "right", in a certain philosophical sense, but this is not about NYC, NYS or NJ trying to do anything that comports with reason, rationality or sensible behavior. This is, incidentally, not about "crime control" either. Intent, malicious or otherwise, doesn't enter into it -- the laws in question are keyed to possession under any circumstances. If you repelled a violent home invasion or otherwise lawfully defended yourself within NYC using a pistol without the proper NYC license, you would almost certainly face the exact same fate as Mr. Burris.

This is about elected officials pandering to an audience of ignorant sheep voters. Said voters by and large have never read any of the laws to which they are subject, don't understand concepts such as rights or privileges or inalienability, and want the state to have a monopoly on the use of force, and the applicable tools.

Yet another straw on this NYC camel's back. It's getting to the point where, despite having lived here all my life, it may finally be time to pull up stakes (financial/career consequences be damned) and get to a less hostile environment.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean to substitute "Burris" for "Burress" in the third paragraph of my post above....