Friday, January 02, 2009


U.S. Army War College report warns an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest and the need to call on the military to restore order. [More]
We're seeing more and more of these stories, aren't we? If I were paranoid, I'd start wondering about floating trial balloons and self-fulfilling prophecies...

In light of these recent developments, we may benefit by understanding some of the thinking...

[Via izzyfit101]


jon said...

socialized entities always end up needing to justify their existence. this is because they are a template for failure, which, in time, they must necessarily fulfill.

some of our greatest nightmare fictions are alien races constantly expanding throughout the universe, consuming more and more resources, because this is necessary for the survival of the institution -- the socialized entity which has become self-justifying. i no longer need to wonder why. it's the same template, but, the universe appears to be infinite. what a nightmare it would be to socialize healthcare throughout it. what a nightmare it would be to socialize anything throughout it.

what proponents of the state fail to understand is that, like god's love, they cannot escape the market, even if they try.

Joel said...

:-) Now, David. Mustn't be paranoid.

Not that paranoia is needed here. Of course it's a trial balloon.

me said...

I've got to remember NEVER READ COMMENTS ON TOPIX.

Listening to C2C last night with their prediction show pt3 or whatever it was A guy had a few thoughts.

"What happens when the nanny state begins to fail?"

"when do we realize that big government is too large to KEEP?"

Both of those were in relation to his prediction of a "soft" civil war this year as the economic situation worsens. People that have had everything provided to them by the government, the same government that in many states is already cutting anything they can besides the social programs, are going to be in for a harsh wake up call. Will the gov call in troops once they have caused their slaves to rebel?

You better believe it.

The bad news is that instead of just targeting the locusts, err grasshoppers, they'll be going after all the insects, including us ants.

Anonymous said...

Watch out if General Russell Honore (occupier of New Orleans) comes out of retirement.