Bipartisan Rodriguez Bill Takes Aim at Violence on Border...Despite all evidence to the contrary that gun control does not work to reduce violent crime, apparently we can get it to finally work if we just throw $15 million at it and "enable the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to hire, train and deploy an additional 80 special agents."
Senators Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) introduced matching legislation in the Senate today. [More]
Oh, and we'll also need "$9.5 million in fiscal years 2010 and 2011 to enhance cooperation between the United States and Mexico."
Hey, it could work. I mean, A+rated Kay Bailey Hutchison wouldn't steer us wrong about the desirability of strengthening BATFU, would she...?

Now if we can only do something about those damned American gun shows, BATFU's main scapegoat in the Mexican cartel wars, and which nonsense like this ought to prime the pump nicely for...
How is "authoritarian" and "authoritarian" "bi-partisan"? Where is the reasonable person's representation?
Interesting to note that John Robb (author of Global Guerrillas and researcher on resilient communities) has indicated the single greatest threat to American security isn't from Asia, but from Mexico, as people who are unable to protect themselves turn to support the Mexican drug cartels.
Seems to me that cooperation with Mexican authorities on this (who are clearly no shining paragon of success in their own nation on controlling crime) and limiting citizen armament is nothing short of direct collaboration with the enemy.
Kay Bailey Hutchison is a useful idiot who claims 2A cred but supports authoritarain govt (and big spending) at all levels. And she'll be comin' back to Texas to be gov in '10...ugh.
Tell ya what - I'll consider these ideas instead of laughing at them or (if I only had the money) suing over them if the government of Mexico starts aiding the U.S. government in stemming the flow of illegal drugs, immigrants, and weapons to the North. Those hand grenades in Phoenix didn't show up from a gun show after all.
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