Tuesday, February 03, 2009

OFF on Holder

This man will now be in charge of prosecuting gun owners. [More]

A bit of apologia for NRA's transparent manipulation on this is that the time to oppose Holder was in November.

Cute. I imagine some of the dimmer followers actually have fallen for that.

The time to oppose attacks on our rights is before during and after. Can you imagine anyone expecting credibility if you substituted an issue besides gun rights? The time to oppose a pro-slavery AG was in November?

Good grief.

If we're going to be consistent, I'd expect to see that same nonsense repeated when the "assault weapon" ban gets put on the front burner.

Hey, if you didn't want it, you should have voted for McCain. You know, the guy who voted for Holder...


Unknown said...

You don't waste all your ammo firing on a target you're not likely to hit.

Especially when you know others are going to be out for you in the near future, and you're going to need all the ammo you've got.

I think the NRA did the right thing, but I am not sure all of us did the right thing. I don't think the NRA would have made much difference if they came out against Holder with everything they've got.

But I think if ALL of us had called and hounded our Senators, it might have made some difference.

Anonymous said...

And by not engaging at a time when one Senator - one! - could have blocked the nomination via a "hold", the NRA has emboldened the OpFor to go further, faster.

We are on our own, campers.

Best get used to it.

closed said...

David: he would be running the department anyway. Either as the Secretary, or as an Undersecretary with a placeholder stooge above him.

That being said, they should have still hammered on him during confirmation, just make the fuckers duck.

Anonymous said...

I still like the way they do it in the national legislature in Taiwan: "You are a damn Marxist!" (smack, pound, pound, zap, zowie, oof!)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what members of the "Yea Team" would say if we could confront them in person.
"Yes, I realized at the time that, like most gun bans, Mr. Holder's favored controls will lead to innocent people becoming criminals, and some of those new criminals being killed. Of course I'm philosophically opposed to that, but on balance, I feel that sacrifices have to be made. There will still be enough dupes to reelect my for a sixth term. Besides, the last elections were the LAST elections. Oops. Did I say that out loud?"

Anonymous said...

Didn't take long for the first lame-ass defense of the traitorous NRA to show up did it? First comment.

Now to wait for the erudition of apologia dripping from the keyboard of the Great Snowflake like the intellectual pus it will be.

I would love to see them completely disapear. Yeah, I know "they do a lot of good things". Horseshit! It doesn't matter if they have Eddie Eagle, or training centers or any damn thing else if their perfidy results in the loss of the second amendment protections that guarantees our rights to arms. And with the rotting body of betrayers out of the way their members would have to realize that if they wish to remain free citizens they will have to do something different.

Even if the then rudderless members didn't do anything different, at least, they wouldn't be contributing to something harmful to America, as they now do.

SamenoKami said...

I just emailed both my
worthless-ass SINators for voting YEA on Holder. They haven't responded to anything about Holder since I began my email campaign against Holder.

Anonymous said...

Patrick Henry would say we have again been spurned from the foot of the throne with our grievances unredressed, or even unADDressed.
I'm sure Mr. Holder is anxious to get to work.
Visualize zero compliance.

closed said...

If you intend on misbehavin', I would suggest you learn information OpSec.

tom said...

I called, wrote, and hounded my TEXAS senators every day for a month, as did my friends. Check the votes. I'd like to think that people like myself and friends were responsible for those two NO EFFIN WAY votes and John C being aggressive with Holder as much as he could while maintaining demeanor in the subcommittee in which he also voted NO.

Anonymous said...

Did NOT vote for Holder:

Barrasso, Brownback, Bunning, Burr, Coburn, Cochran, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Ensign, Enzi, Hutchison, Ihofe, Johanns, McConnell, Risch, Roberts, Shelby, Thune, Vitter, Wicker.

Anonymous said...

So, the NRA let Holder in without even a fight, and everyone knows that you want to stop a tyrannical enemy before he gains any strength. Just ask Europe about turning a blind eye to the rise of tyrannical enemies.

I think the NRA is very manipulative and cynical. Why do I say this? They want to put our rights in jeopardy so that they can generate fear to swell new memberships and profit from it - that's my opinion. Just yesterday, I received a mailer from the NRA urging me to join when I have not been a member in over a decade. The timing sure is convenient.

What kind of lunatics would imperil our rights to profit at our expense? Oh wait, that sounds like the current administration.