Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We're the Only Ones Ridiculing Enough

An OCSD Employee calls those speaking at the 11-18-08 BOS meeting ‘idiots’...

An OCSD Employee ridicules a speaker... [More]
Hey, they don't have to respect you or your rights. That's why they're "Only Ones."
No doubt just a few bad apples, right? Which is why they dare show such unmasked insolence in a public venue...

And why they feel free to man the spy cameras...

We're all clear on why Sandy wants to make sure you're unarmed, right...?

[Via Gun Rights Alert]


Anonymous said...

"Id-i-ot." Three syllables. Very good, Mongo. You've been practicing.
I guess the Khmer Rouge, when they had concentrated the political and paramilitary power enough, no longer felt the necessity of winning hearts and minds either. Simpler and quicker to just kill your @$$.

Anonymous said...

Whining won't help them. Perhaps the BOS should issue a call to arms. Oh wait, they can't. They only allow "only ones" to have arms and they are doing just what we knew they would do when they held a monopoly of force.

jon said...

shady "only ones" officials afraid of law abiding gun owners?

let's see more of that. maybe they'll quit.