Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back Under the Baseboards, Ed

Rendell posits that if there was a "secret ballot" cast, his gun control schemes would easily pass congress. The insinuation there is that congress really wants gun control, but is fearful of facing their constituents after voting away their rights. [More]
Scurrying from the light?

Isn't that what a cockroach does?


Sean said...

Like when they passed Campaign Finance Reform, in the middle of the night, with about four people present?

TJP said...

Gee, I know that there are government people that would do this. They're generally called "tyrants". That's why the anti-Federalists insisted that certain limitations be spelled out; they suspected that in the future, not only would the ignorant forget the limitless nature of liberty, but that the cockroaches would multiply and gnaw away at it when it was no longer watched.

Mister Ed has done us a favor, though, by revealing this secret. I'll make sure that this bit of news is spread around. The time is ripe for a house-cleaning in 2010. I don't care whose in there now, they all have to go.

TJP said...

Uh, make that "who's", not "whose".

straightarrow said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't they fear facing their constituents if the vote their rights away? I mean fear in a visceral way, fear for their lives, not just their careers.

Weren't a Hell of a lot of British killed on these very shores for that very thing? Wouldn't it have been better for them if they had feared facing their constituents a little more? Hey, just asking.

Unknown said...

if congress had a secret ballot, there would be so much insanely blatant corruption, it's not congress's voice that matters, its the people's voice that does.

RickR said...

I always thought that the original intent was for those idiots to represent our wishes, not fear what will happen when they vote the way THEY want to.

Term limits NOW!


Sean said...

Somebody give me odds on the 2010 "elections" being fair and not run over or by ACORN. I don't believe there will be honest elections again.

Uncle Lar said...

Yep, every four years we're supposed to just show up and pick from two choices that most of us feel are really no choice at all. Then we go back into our holes and take whatever they deign to allow us to keep of our hard earned wages. But let's keep our mouths shut because we elected them and it's a representative government after all.
They just don't get it do they.
Their scams and politics and backroom deals to feather their own nests and retirements is wearing more thin by the day. And when it all busts open I truly fear the collateral damage to what was once the proudest and most powerful nation on earth.

Lergnom said...

Like when they authorized casinos in Philadelphia, in the middle of the night, with almost nobody present?

Tom said...

OK, so with all the cries of "stolen election" from Bush to ACORN don't you think NOW would be a good time to do something about it? Say, Iraqi style indicators that ONE vote really IS one vote. mandatory LIVE streaming and counts of ballots BEFORE they leave the polling place as well as counts of those voting. Mandatory minimum of 20 years in prison for folks playing with the ballots or results no parole, no early release. Period.

Get a petition drive going to get it on the ballot. Hey, you can always throw the "what have you got to hide" line at those who don't support it.

Same for term limits, AND most importantly PAY ha to be taken out of their hands, remove all .gov elected rep benefits once they are out.

If all those tea parties are to have any real effect it has to be through these kinds of efforts.

straightarrow said...

tom, vote fraud is a form of treason. As such, it should be punished by death.