Monday, April 13, 2009

Is ATF Playing Politics with Firearm Classifications?

It's official policy to assign political considerations a role in the examination and classification of firearms, which can then impact the examination and testing of evidence? Gee, no wonder David Olofson and Len Savage have had such a time of it. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column audits some very curious procedures.

Also meet a turncoat Alabama congressman, an arrogant New Jersey judge, two statist Oregon senators, and an entire establishment media apparently bent on continuing a lie. All this and the latest cutting-edge commentary from my fellow GREs.

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1 comment:

Defender said...

Unelected ARMED bureaucrats with an agenda and only a nodding relationship with honesty -- if they happen to see honesty, they nod as it passes by and keeps getting farther away.
And these guys are being folded into local and state PDs to enforce gun laws where the rubber meets the road: your street. What does this law mean, and that one? Different day, different answer, none of them good. Hey, just like the IRS. 45% error rate on help line calls. So? THEY won't be paying those penalties.
Everywhere I go, people are fearful of losing their jobs and angry at the government that put us here. Not a good time for taxation and privacy invasion without representation.