Wednesday, April 22, 2009

There's Something About Kirsten

I've talked about it here. A lot.

So when do you think NRA and NYSRPA are going to say something about it to their members?

Funny that they haven't by now, don't you think? I wonder why that is...


the pistolero said...

Ask Jacob. He'll tell ya.

NY Member said...

I've corresponded with the "owners" of the NYSRPA on several occasions and on several issues. Basically was told they don't need the members to screw things up.

straightarrow said...

I went to Uncle's and asked where the Hell my apology was from all those who maligned myself and others who had taken an accurate measure of Gillibrand after her defection from her former stance and constituency. Didn't get the apology, but didn't really expect it. Especially from Snowflake, not man enough for heavy lifting like that.

There is absolutely no point to this comment except to remind everyone that the "prags" in our own camp are far more dangerous to the cause of liberty than one Gillibrand. It is the Prags and the accomodaters who empower her kind. Then keep her in power, rather than admit they were wrong. Or keep them in power simply because as part of the community of enablers they expect to be rewarded more or punished less than the principled.

I'm a nasty sonofabitch, insisting on telling it the way it is. Somebody should stop me. Oh, wait, they're scared. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words terrify me."

Anonymous said...

Well, what can the NRA really do to her before she's up for reelection? All they can really do is refuse to endorse anyone in the Democratic primary.