Monday, June 15, 2009

Are You Deliberately Trying to Start a Civil War?

Just answer the question. Yes or no. Don't insult us with elisions, evasions, dithering, qualifications, or conditional answers. [More]
OK. I will.

Absolutely not. We have repeatedly expressed our desire to be left alone. Our warnings of resolve are in the hopes that you collectivists will stop squeezing.

So no, we're not trying to start one. But some of us are preparing to finish it if you do.

[Via Stewart Rhodes]


Sean said...

This little skank is a well trained liar and provocateur. Nice to know all those professional socialist training sessions haven't gone to waste.Love how she keeps repeating "to the table". Right out of Comrade Hillarys' little red book. Of course, if I told her the truth, that I absolutely am not trying to start, nor do I want, a civil war, her ilk and enablers would start demanding I drop my life and become like them, immediately. You see, the only way they'll ever be "happy", or "comfortable", is if I, and everyone like me, is absorbed. It's join the sheep herd or nothin'. Yup, some of us are preparing to finish it if THEY do. I don't hope they understand the rules if they do, either.

Defender said...

They think the NRA, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are the enemy and the great threat to their socialist workers' paradise. That's funny. The very definition of "clueless."
As wise people have said, that incrementalist pseudo-gun rights lobby and the "right-wing hate speech broadcasters" are the pressure relief valve that protects THEM, by giving their constitutionalist opposition the illusion that they're being heard and that they matter.
The socialists support two bills in Congress that taken together would end that illusion. HR45 (universal gun registration) and the media "Fairness" Doctrine. Actually, either one.

Toaster 802 said...

I left this post at their site.

The hate by the Marxist posters tells all.

The mask has slipped. Real Americans will not be fooled, nor will we stand for a Red tide and all the blood that comes with it. Socialist revolutions have spilled more blood and killed more people than any other cause at any other time in history. Period, proven fact.

Americans will not stand for this murder of our country by the communist killers. Want to thug it up in the hood? Bring it. We will raise the standard of counter revolution...The Stars and Stripes and clean house. Our house, not yours. You gave up your right to call yourself Americans when you decided to tear up the Constitution and force your Marxist ideals on your fellow citizen.

See you in the streets.

That should ruffle a few feathers...but I MEAN WHAT I SAY.

Anonymous said...

How amazing that they ignore the hundreds of murders committed by Obama supporters in the inner cities.

Where is DHS?

Yes, we will put down a left wing uprising. Without mercy and without hesitation. Its one thing to allow them their rants and childish grandstanding. Its quite another if they get spunky.

Lefties, don't forget who we are and don't forget who YOU are.

Patchouli will never stand up to a 180 grain bullet.

Ned said...

I noticed that the author is "a consulting partner with the Cognitive Policy Works in Seattle."

Maybe they should change the name to the Cognitive Dissonance Policy Works.

Her view or reality is obviously quite skewed.

jon said...

does sara think she has a seat at the table when obama's knives come out?

AnHourOfWolves said...

What a maroon. "Several people a month have been shot dead"

Do you know how many people die a year due to medical mistakes?:

Answer here

She writes at this blog which states her email as

Parrothead Jeff said...

Sorry, but I couldn't stomach it after about half way. I tried reading through the comments as well. No better.

I'm just glad that Teddy Roosevelt's still right:

"We have four boxes used to guarantee our liberty; the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box." - Theodore Roosevelt

AnHourOfWolves said...

One of the few trained social futurists in North America

I am LOL'ing as I type...

Thirdpower said...

I'm so glad I read the comments before I bothered wasting time w/ it. I read "social futurist" and knew exactly who it was who was writing. I've read her nonsense before.

Crotalus said...

Interesting how they tell us to answer the way they want, rather than the truth. We're not supposed to insult their intelligence? They have none to insult.

As David said, we don't want a civil war, but when the likes of Bonnie Erbe say we ought to be rounded up, they'll be in for a nasty surprise when we finish it.

Brock Townsend said...

That should ruffle a few feathers...but I MEAN WHAT I SAY.


SamenoKami said...

Hmmm, Kimosabe, them plenty scary commie-libs at that site. Smoke-um too much wacky weed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks AnHourOfWolves for the email address, here is my letter.

Dear Ms.Robinson:
I have to take issue with almost every thing that you wrote. I am not responsible for murderers,
anymore than you are. I bear no collective guilt or responsibility for others, ever.
I don't want civil war, or any war. Folks like me want to be left alone. Why is that too much to ask for?
If you hold individuals responsible for their own actions we will have no problems.
If you try and punish me for some thing I didn't do.....
And, by the way, we won't be coerced into your glorious socialist utopia.

Best wishes for a peaceful future,

AnHourOfWolves said...

I took a different tack:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

W W Woodward said...

I was tempted to give this woman and her followers a piece of my mind. However, at my age I have few pieces left and do not wish to waste them arguing with small children and attempting to reason with mental incompetents.

To paraphrase another wiser man than I; "No man is so deaf as the man who refuses to hear."

the Hunter said...

(shrug) No sense even answering her. Thomas Jefferson already wrote a much better answer than I could a long time ago. It starts with "When in the course of human events..."

Anonymous said...

...And no man is more blind than one who will not see.

Anonymous said...

Any bets on where the support money comes that pays her salary as a "futureisthahahahahahahahaha - sorry, key got away from me there, at the Cognitive Coffeeshop where she crashes?

Ryan said...

What a whore.

Joe G. said...

When all government, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the Center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated. – Thomas Jefferson

Mk. 106 said...

The problem is, they won't ever come out and fight, at least not in any group. Look at the power their kind has amassed over the last 50 years without ever firing a shot. They have found a formula that up until now, has proven very effective. They will only fight when they have us marginalized and isolated, never where we can muster any strength. They flow around us like water and stick like tar... The only hope is that maybe they have finally become too arrogant, and will overextend and provoke a fight when we're stronger than they think we are, and find out that they aren't as ready as they thought they were....

Anonymous said...

HOLY cow. I have perused Daily Kos and Huffington Post from time to time. I have NEVER seen the collection of flower-child/truther/illuminati whackos she has managed to gather as readers. That's not LA smog, that's whacky-tobacky smoke.

Armed Geek