Thursday, July 09, 2009

If He is Truly a Threat

Curtis won a seat on the governing board of United, one of the Village’s homeowners associations, last fall. Since then, he has been banned from the second floor of the LWV community center because his presence was intimidating to female workers...[More]
See, they have to call the Orange County Sheriffs Department on the guy because Sandra Hutchens would rather see females defenseless and living in fear than armed and confident.

A few points:

If he is truly a threat, why has he not been arrested, prosecuted, convicted and put away?

If he is truly a threat, why would anyone give a damn what Sandra Hutchens thinks?

Perhaps the true threat is people who use the force of the state to stifle alternative political expression and deprive others of their rights--and justify it based on their own self-serving "perceptions".

It's not like we haven't seen that before.

1 comment:

Sean said...

HOA's are the bane of freedom,of any kind. In Creve Couer, Mo, they had to be taken to the SCOTUS, before they finally acknowledged the 1st Amd. even existed. A woman put up a "Stop the War" sign up in her yard, and after the HOA got nasty with her, put it in a second floor window, whereupon the HOA began making moves to seize her home. Even after being chastized by SCOTUS, these scum-sucking overfed bastards still maintained they had a RIGHT to forbid signs they didn't approve of. This was during and after Gulf War 1. There are similiar orgs. here in Texas where I live now. I wonder, often, if they have ever heard of the phrase, "time to feed the hogs?"