Friday, July 17, 2009


Health Bill Would OK Forced Vaccinations in Private Homes [More]

Meaning the proponents think we will have nothing to say about who forces their way into our homes, takes us hostage and injects chemicals into our bodies, and they are not anticipating any unintended consequences...?

Is that what they mean by "OK"?

Y'know, I have a relative who cannot receive many vaccinations because of an egg allergy. I know others who would object on religious grounds due to the use of cells from aborted fetuses used in other vaccines.

I guess we just need to tell such folks it's all OK?

[Via Avg Joe]


Greg in said...

I'm curious. What human vaccines are prepared using cells from aborted human fetuses? I know of none at the present time.

AvgJoe said...

Greg, you are in fact correct there are none at this time. All stem cell research of aborted human fetuses have proved to be toxic poison. Nevertheless, David is correct because they keep trying and are trying to use these cells in vaccines all the time.
What I wonder about is if the police force their way in, in the name of the children in the home. You can bet they will be looking for firearms and ammo to remove from the home. If someone refuses to allow them in saying they will shoot anyone who breaks in. You can bet that everyone in that home will be murdered. The reasons for killing the people in the home and that would be children as well. Would be to save everyone else so these people are not carriers of some flu that could kill. Which is a crock of shit because it could only kill folks who didn't want the shots if you can follow that logic.
You can bet that anyone forced to take these shots if they die their loved ones will not be able to sue because there will be laws passed to keep that from happening.
Everyday I wake up its a new train wreck.

Chris K. said...

AGAIN, I've typed this so many times on my keyboard the labels on these particular keys are getting worn!

SHOOT ANYONE who comes into your home uninvited!

Regardless of the state sanctioned clown costume!!!!

Will some of us die in the process? YES, Will they run out of Jack Booted Thugs before they get all of us? ABSOLUTELY!

straightarrow said...

Were something that stupid tried at my home, I promise there would injections. I firmly believe they will develop severe debilitating reactions to the anti-tyranny serum being dispensed.

Compliance can be a wonderful thing if one does it properly. It just depends upon whom one makes comply and to what.

Tom said...

Can one buy venom from spiders or snakes? While the hole may be repaired I intend for anyone attempting to force a potentially deadly vaccine on me to suffer as well.

David Codrea said...

Gregg, per National Network for Immunization Information:

Vaccine Components
Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines

Updated: 06/03/2008

Some people have asked if some vaccines have components derived from human fetuses.

In fact, some vaccines are grown in cell cultures that were originally obtained from two human fetuses. In addition, the rubella virus used to make rubella vaccine was isolated from a third human fetus. This article describes the origins of these vaccines...

Human Fetal Diploid Cells

Human diploid cells are batches of human cells that are grown in a laboratory. Unlike cancer cells, they have the same number of chromosomes as normal human cells.

Certain diploid cell strains are valuable in vaccine manufacture because these cells can be used for a very long period of time in the laboratory and are a reliable means by which many viruses that infect humans can be successfully and easily grown. Vaccines prepared in human diploid cells have proven to be very safe over the past several decades.

Two different strains of human diploid cell cultures made from fetuses have been used extensively for vaccine production for decades. One was developed in the United States in 1961 (called WI-38) and the other in the United Kingdom in 1966 (called MRC-5).

WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted, but neither was aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells. (6-8). The fetal tissues that eventually became WI-38 and the MRC-5 cell cultures were removed from fetuses that were dead. The cellular biologists who made the cell cultures did not induce the abortions.

These two cell strains have been growing under laboratory conditions for more than 35 years. The cells are merely the biological system in which the viruses are grown. These cell strains do not and cannot form a complete organism and do not constitute a potential human being. The cells reproduce themselves, so there is no need to abort additional fetuses to sustain the culture supply. Viruses are collected from the diploid cell cultures and then processed further to produce the vaccine itself.

The WI-38 and MRC-5 cell cultures have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines, preventing millions of cases of rubella, hepatitis A, varicella and rabies. . In the United States, only one of these diseases can be prevented with an FDA-licensed vaccine not grown in human diploid cells. This is the RabAvert brand of rabies vaccine manufactured by Chiron Corporation. (9)

Some of the vaccines that are produced in human diploid cells might now be able to be prepared in alternative types of cell cultures. Some of these cell cultures were not available or were not considered suitable for use in vaccines when the original vaccines were developed. However, there is no guarantee that vaccines grown in these alternative cell lines would be as safe and effective as currently licensed vaccines and development is likely to be extremely costly. Thus, there is little incentive for vaccine manufacturers to develop and test new vaccines when an existing licensed vaccine is known to be both safe and effective.

Greg in Allston said...

Thank you, David, for the link. I'll do a little more research now that I have a jumping off point.

Kent McManigal said...

The "vaccine resisters" will be demonized just like "drug users" are today, and most people will decide they got what was coming to them. This is why freedom can't be subdivided.

jon said...

yes. but that's fine, because the "vaccine pushers" will simply disappear, and anyone still worth anything, even if that ain't most, will know that they got what was coming to them. and, hey, liberals love defending minorities. right?

Plug Nickel Outfit said...

AvgJoe says:

"You can bet that anyone forced to take these shots if they die their loved ones will not be able to sue because there will be laws passed to keep that from happening."

Just like the "Patriot Act" that magically appeared within weeks of 09/21/01 - they're way ahead of you. (nothing personal intended there...)

It's late - and I don't have the energy to look it up now - but that was written into some legislation a couple years ago - immunity for vaccine makers - that is.

AvgJoe said...

Plug, if you, me or anyone get HIV, HCV or whatever from blood that the American Red Cross supplied, we can't sue them. They have laws passed by congress, both houses and signed by some oval office buyer. Even if the Red Cross willfully didn't follow protocol, we still can not sue them.
Follow this: The government will say that folks who didn't get shots are a danger to everyone else. Which follows no medical reasoning because if the shots really worked anyone receiving them can't get the bug. So who gives a rat's ass if some are not so long as the heard/sheep have. I can see the TV idiots saying the government needs to do something about those people who are putting everyone else in danger by not taking the shots. These idiots will never get past the government propaganda that if the shots really worked the only people that could get the bug would be the ones who didn't get them.
You can bet this is a trial run at door to door JBT training.

Tom said...

door to door JBT? Like down in Texas?

Anonymous said...

What Reagan said:

Plug Nickel Outfit said...

AvgJoe - I saw this yesterday and recalled your comments above:

Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

A quote from the AP article:

"Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday."

I still have a recollection of an earlier immunity for vaccine makers - but this one pretty much covers what you suspected.