Friday, July 17, 2009

Let the "Smears" Continue Until Knowledge Improves

The smears have continued with intensity and have created an ongoing panic that Obama is a secret gun prohibitionist. [More]
Wow, Zak, what a shill you are. Ain't no secret about it.

Obama's AG let the cat out of the bag on what they'd like to do with semi-autos.

We've seen Obama's intentions, form his urban policy to his dreams. We've seen for ourselves what he wants to do to private sales.

I could come up with a dozen more links that I've covered alone, all sourced back to Obama, his record, his statements and his team.

Of course leftist liars will try to cloud the issue and try to convince the gullible that defending their rights is an act of "rightwing extremism". It's what they do.

It's not like they have truth on their side.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


Tom said...

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over

straightarrow said...

my comment: You're a liar. It's that simple. It doesn't matter what he said to get elected when his entire record is one of obliterating or attempting to obliterate rights. You have to know this, therefore, you lied, not a mistake, not a difference of opinion, you lied.

Let me ask you this, if Maddof said he didn't believe in Ponzi schemes and fraud, nor would he ever participate in them, would you believe him? Nooo??? Why not? Could it possibly be because his history shows that to be a lie. Same with Obama.

If you truly believe your audience is stupid enough to buy the tripe you just wrote, you are the one missing a few bricks in your foundation

HardCorps said...

What I love about lefty-socialists commenting on personal defense is:
1) they are completely ignorant of the concept,
2) their comments section immediately becomes an educational resource to readers about their rights to own weapons for personal defense, and
3) said lefty's air of 'intellectual authority' is severely disturbed by their brazen errors and distortions of fact revealed by pro-liberty samaritans.

HardCorps said...

My head might ACTUALLY explode, Zak is one of us:

I never thought I'd see evidence of a gunnie that honestly supported democrats.. he's probably about one vote away from libertarian though..

Thirdpower said...

He's one of 'us' only sofar as he owns firearms and talks the talk.

He's a spokesman for the American Hunters and Shooters Assoc.

David Codrea said...


By that rationale, Lon Horiuchi is "one of us."